• 如果晓得这些名称知道,花名是一窍不通的

    If you know the names of some of these flowers, I would appreciate if you could list them down for me.


  • 可视化界面即使技术一窍不通人也可以很快构建服务,比如出差申请审批文档

    Using a visual interface, even the not so technically minded can quickly put together a service to deal, say, with travel requests or approve documents.


  • 华尔街已经变得如此的精神错乱会给普林斯顿一个金钱一窍不通的毕业生大笔假扮理财专家

    Wall Street had become so unhinged that it was paying recent Princeton graduates who knew nothing about money small fortunes to pretend to be experts about money.


  • 这两方案都是必要的,但是他们不够的,考虑对于金融知识一窍不通消费者永远最容易上当的。

    Both of these strategies are necessary, but they're not enough on their own, because financially illiterate consumers are always going to be easy victims.


  • 如果知道自动变速器各种故障引起故障原因之间的关系,那么在寻找故障原因时,你一窍不通的人更有优势。

    If you are able to relate various automatic transmission complaints to the condition that cause them, you are much better off than the fellow who seeks blindly to find what is causing the trouble.


  • 对此一窍不通——如果确实懂得的话不会凭空乱想一气,回想当时使兴奋不已的事情时,那令人激动的心情便油然而生。

    I knew none of this—if indeed I know any of it now and am not just making patterns in the air, but as I thought back then on what had excited me, the excitement came back.


  • 当时所有这些一窍不通,只是茫然坐在那里感到越来越舒服,觉得自己不知什么地方拂了当地人美意

    But I understood none of this at the time and sat there in increasingly uncomfortable bewilderment, imagining all the while that I had breached some arcane nicety of local etiquette.


  • 但是撇开辛普森家族不谈,这种语言复杂使用对于沃森来说可谓一窍不通

    But beyond its Simpsonian pedigree, this complex use of language would be entirely opaque to Watson.


  • 一窍不通足球队教练路上拦住参加当地俱乐部的时候,我答应了。

    I don't know anything about table tennis, but when my former soccer coach stopped by to recruit me for a local club, I agreed to join.


  • 有的时候他们能让人想起迷之(mazzy star)或是500号星系(galaxie 500),苹果园“(apple orchard)一窍不通“(masterofnone)中,呈现的却是完全属于他们特有阴暗模糊的回响。

    They had slow, shadowy dream-pop down; at times they recalled Mazzy Star or Galaxie 500, but songs like "Apple Orchard" and "Master of None" had a dark and blurry resonance all their own.


  • 明白举止为什么那么奇怪现在一清二楚一门根本就一窍不通

    I did not understand his strange behavior, but now it is clear as the sun at noonday; he is insane on that subject.


  • 醒来卡莉印度女神别的一窍不通于是我就搜罗。

    As I awoke, I remembered that Kali was a Hindu Goddess, but nothing else about her, so I did a search.


  • 很多节食失败原因他们对节食一窍不通,一下子完全改变饮食习惯

    The reason many people fail on diets is that they jump in at the deep end, making a complete change to their eating habits.


  • 说的道理。他对情报经济学一窍不通

    He knows nothing about the intelligence economy.


  • 记得按照要求提交商业计划书客户一家市政公司,但我市政行业一窍不通

    I recall one case where I submitted a business proposal which he'd asked me to write, for a client which was a utility company, a business I knew absolutely nothing about.


  • 你真好但是不得不承认说的完全听不懂,简直一窍不通

    Julia: Well, you are nice, but I have to admit that, it was all Greek to me.


  • 擅长程序设计但是我对管理一窍不通如果职,我会浪费大家时间将一事无成。

    I'm good at the program design, but unversed in personnel management. If you raise me, I will be wasting everybody's time and accomplish nothing.


  • 哥哥主修心理学那些一窍不通

    My brother majors in psychology. The books he reads are all Greek to me.


  • 单独与人合作著有五本专著超过60篇经专家评阅的期刊会刊文章那些一窍不通

    He has authored or co-authored five books and over 60 reviewed journal and conference proceeding articles, none of which I would understand.


  • 由于音乐一窍不通,身这么音乐家之中感到不自在

    Not knowing anything about music, I felt like a fish out of water among so many musicians.


  • 园艺一窍不通但是假山的话,我还是可以些体力活的。

    I don't know anything about gardening, but I could do the donkey work for you if want to make a rockery.


  • 面对着这些纷繁分子式不知如何是好,因为它们一窍不通是学艺术的。

    Facing thees numerous and complicated molecular formula, he doesn't know what to do, because he is a layman to them. His major is art.


  • 李先生这儿一个了,不过中国传统节日一窍不通

    Li, I've been here foc almost a month, but Istill know nothing about the traditional Chinese festivals.


  • 第一中国来。中国文化风土人情一窍不通

    This is his first visit in China. He doesn't know beans about Chinese culture and their way of life.


  • 图坦卡蒙亲生父母身份仍是个谜团。尽管人们确定父亲阿肯纳顿法老,但是对母亲仍然一窍不通

    Mystery has surrounded the identities of Tutankhamun's own parents: while his father was the Pharaoh Akhenaton, his mother remains unknown.


  • 图坦卡蒙亲生父母身份仍是个谜团。尽管人们确定父亲阿肯纳顿法老,但是对母亲仍然一窍不通

    Mystery has surrounded the identities of Tutankhamun's own parents: while his father was the Pharaoh Akhenaton, his mother remains unknown.


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