• 一连串事件使读者心生疑问

    This chain of events begs readers to ask a question.


  • 优化历史一连串事件组成,其源头大概可以上溯最早图画

    The history of painting is a chain of events that probably began with the very first pictures ever made.


  • 认为搬移记忆单元内容另一记忆体单元需要哪些一连串事件来完成

    What sequence of events do you think would be required to move the contents of one memory cell in a computer to another memory cell?


  • 可以帮助你在多种设备清楚了解一连串事件,它可以协助时间敏感的交易同步

    It can help to give a very clear indication of a chain of events that involve multiple devices and it can also help in the synchronization of time sensitive-transactions.


  • 翅膀扇动代表系统初始条件中的一个小小的改变而这改变引发一连串事件导致事件大幅度改变。

    The flapping wing represents a small change in the initial condition of the system, which causes a chain of events leading to large-scale alterations of events.


  • 这次炸弹爆炸事件一连串恐怖主义袭击最近一起。

    The bombing was the latest in a spate of terrorist attacks.


  • 悬挂柱子雄鹿头骨不禁让我们想起之后发生一连串恐怖事件

    The stag's skull balanced on the pillar reminds us of the gruesome train of events that follows from this moment.


  • 谷歌成功在很大程度上归功于 S. BrinL.Page才华同时也是一连串幸运事件的结果。

    Google owes much of its success to the brilliance of S. Brin and L. Page, but also to a series of fortunate events.


  • 一些媒体报道这次地震太平洋最近一些事件关联,暗示说这地区一连串地震中美地区波及到了海地

    Some media reports have suggested that this earthquake might be linked to other recent events in the Pacific, implying a chain of quakes in the area that 'jumped' across central America to hit Haiti.


  • 甚至是邮件发送出去一张账单会触发一连串数据事件客户接收账单,大多数会打开有的进行查询打电话中心

    Even a bill being sent by email triggers a whole chain of data events: customer gets bill, most open it; some have a query and call the centre.


  • 但是一连串事件的确及时提醒了我们常常被忽略的事实:科学家也是

    But the episode does serve as a timely reminder of one thing that is sometimes forgotten. Scientists are human, too.


  • 包括上个月美国海军清除行动中发生死亡事件在内,今年一连串意外,在冲绳引起一阵骚动。

    A series of incidents this year -including the death last month of an American Marine involved in their disposal -have caused an uproar on Okinawa.


  • 一连串破纪录事件也许只是一连串运。

    This cluster of record-breaking events could be merely an streak of bad luck.


  • 着摄影镜头讲出了事件经过,并坚称,“一连串谋杀证明是个阴谋。

    She tells the cameras her story, insisting, “There’s a whole string of proof. Murders.


  • 与此同时近来一连串谋杀事件提醒人们这个城市帮派犯罪事件可能会又一次增长

    A recent spate of killings, meanwhile, is a reminder that crime could increase again in this city of gangs.


  • 返回华盛顿,又回到了一段十分典型化的生活,这时,应接不暇的一连串事件发生了。

    I returned to Washington to a whole series of those all-too-typical days when everything happens at once.


  • 一连串事件使进入星球的禁区一系列发现向他揭示出现这个陌生星球重要意义

    Events propel him into the planet's forbidden zone, where his discoveries lead him to a deeply personal revelation about the significance of his presence in this strange world.


  • 稀土元素假设拥护者一连串不可能事件引发复杂生命出现

    Proponents of the Rare Earth hypothesis say that a long chain of unlikely events led to the emergence of complex life here.


  • 最近接连发生一连串事件某种程度上促发了这种关注——人们没有救助发生意外或者需要紧急医疗同胞

    This has been precipitated in part by a spate of recent incidents in which people have failed to come to aid of fellow citizens caught in accidents or medical emergencies.


  • 那场事故一连串意外上周飞机坠毁事件最近了,上周飞机坠毁夺走了三个人的性命

    The collision was the latest in a string of accidents that plagued the races that week, killing three pilots.


  • 麦当劳高层发生一连串不幸事件后能够平静地交接似乎清楚地证明了一点

    McDonald's smooth handling of its serial misfortunes at the top certainly seems to prove the point.


  • 只是一个角色找到杜赫场意外,还有接下来一连串事件

    My part in this process has been very small; finding him was an accident, and the chain of events since has had nothing to do with me.


  • 公众舆论近来一连串饱受争议事件——从英吉利大学被窃取争议性电子邮件喜马拉雅冰川估的融化速率都为气候变化这一报纸头条抹上阴影。

    But public opinion and a string of recent controversies-from East Anglia's controversial stolen e-mails to the mistaken rate of Himalayan glacier melt-have clouded climate change headlines.


  • 公众舆论近来一连串饱受争议事件——从英吉利大学被窃取争议性电子邮件喜马拉雅冰川估的融化速率都为气候变化这一报纸头条抹上阴影。

    But public opinion and a string of recent controversies-from East Anglia's controversial stolen e-mails to the mistaken rate of Himalayan glacier melt-have clouded climate change headlines.


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