In situations like that, you think longingly of the air rage "restraint kit"—handcuffs and strong plastic tape—carried on every plane in case of emergency.
Before you set out, always get warm clothes and raincoats ready, just in case! Even experienced travelers get lost.
In situations like that, you think longingly of the air rage "restraint kit" - handcuffs and strong plastic tape - carried on every plane in case of emergency.
During the tests, a driver was always on board in case something went awry, but it's still amazing to think about.
"I feel like this is home," he said. "But right now, I feel like I have to carry my papers, just in case."
Of course, we backup our LPAR before we make any changes to it, just in case.
But, of course, you don't buy an insurance policy to make money. You buy an insurance policy to protect your family in case you die.
What is the silliest item that you carry now and never use, but keep “just in case”?
But just in case, I decided to follow up and ask if that meant an actual shipping product was coming or some test version of the OS?
She wondered if she should run in and get a shawl as well, just in case, then decided her pride was more important.
The world is once again a vibrant place food is a good thing and you’re not habitually locating the nearest toilet—just in case.
The world is once again a vibrant place, food is a good thing, and you're not habitually locating the nearest toilet-just in case.
Heading out for a first date or night on the town and want an escape, just in case?
I still like having measuring cups around just in case, but after a while, I just don't bother with it for some recipes.
Two days later, your mother and father are discussing survival, and filling jugs with water from the tap just in case.
The world is in any case in a position to take some pain. It has decent stores of oil.
Anything that I'm keeping just in case is going out of sight for 30 days and then getting reevaluated for permanent residence or deportation.
So if it's a new symptom that's getting worse, Kramer suggests a doctor's visit, just in case.
And yes, you might also copy the affected row to a backup table just in case!
Take your bag along just in case, but be ready to turn around and go home if you’ve only just begun to dilate—or if nothing’s going on at all.
After you've bought it, do you ever go back to look at the other options, just in case?
They took cover in two Russian spacecraft docked to the station in case they had to make a hasty departure.
Yet we purchase insurance to cover us in case the unthinkable happens.
81 - in case your mother has neglected your education I should explain about vampire Numbers.
to be certain the sun will shine, but grab an umbrella on our way out — just in case.
Warning signs - watch out for tests that change frequently, boomerangs, test slippage, just in case code and shotgun surgery.
These for-profit companies lean heavily on the fear factor, encouraging parents to bank their baby's blood just in case a relative needs it one day.
These for-profit companies lean heavily on the fear factor, encouraging parents to bank their baby's blood just in case a relative needs it one day.