Three horizontal bands of louvers shade each of the three storeys independently.
The central design element is a sculptural staircase that connects all three levels.
The 3-storey cabin in traditional Chinese architectural style is the highlight of the exhibition.
One guest at a window on the third floor was Shouting, "I'm going to jump!"
Even the ceilings in the three-story building were low, pushing the illusion of air to breathe into the minuses.
The hillside topography impacted the design and inspired a three-level planning approach used to mimic the natural form of the hillside.
Three-storey old Shikumen residential downstairs is a wide range of creative shops, small galleries, upstairs is still home;
The main building is 26 meters high and 52 meters wide. It's a three-story building. And the building takes two million and four hundred thousand dollars.
Constructed with reinforced concrete, the three storey residence features Windows of all different shapes and sizes.
Well, what was originally a single floor house, they just built another taller wall along the street to make it look like it's a two or three-story house.
Every time we tried to set up our camera to film the imposing three-storey White House from a distance, angry officers rushed over to stop us.
He had just come from the field, he said, and had been put into a card house three stories high, and all made of picture CARDS with the figures turned inwards.
There are a three-story building for classrooms and school offices, a two-story building for a library and another for laboratory.
He had just come from the field, he said, and had been put into a card house three stories high, and all made of picture CARDS with the figures turned inwards.
"We could only save three," he said, his voice weary after spending three days watching workers poke at the remains of the three-story building.
Freelance writer Robin Carpenter and her husband Andrew Olmsted own a three-story Victorian house on High Street.
即便按照纽约标准,住宅室内的设计也是拮据,三层楼的房屋宽度仅为8 1/2一你英尺,长42英尺。
The residential interiors are a tight squeeze even by New York standards, measuring just 8 1/2 feet wide and 42 feet long on each of its three floors.
What he and his wife, Suzanne Cutts, bought in 1997 was a three-story San Francisco residence near a neighborhood of other restored "painted ladies."
The three-storey building is shaped like a guitar lying on its side.
Ideally, Reeves said, he would convert the three-level control center into a new home.
After a short walk though, I wandered over to the museum, which is a large, three story building, with a small open air display of a few statues in the building's little garden.
There's a central rotunda, three stories high and topped with a stained glass dome, surrounded by a circular path that edges the circumference of the building.
A web of security cameras, metal detectors, beam sensors and bullet-proof screens will reinforce security in the three-storey, 3, 000 square-metre building.
ON APRIL 21st 1,000 high-school students will flock to Yale's Old Campus to be greeted by a three-storey, inflated statue of the university's bulldog mascot, Handsome Dan.
There is a well-preserved three-story building from the 1920s, now a cigar lounge.
There is a well-preserved three-story building from the 1920s, now a cigar lounge.