• 其次重要这会那些倾向于逃避责任的人三思而后行

    Second, and more important, it will make those who are inclined to shirk their responsibilities think twice.


  • 希望其他人到她和同龄人足够关心清理也许他们三思而后行然后把垃圾扔进河里

    She hopes that when others read that she and her peers care enough to clean it up, maybe they will think twice before they throw garbage in the river.


  • 下次我们提供免费WiFi网络公共场所使用笔记本电脑智能手机时,三思而后行或者使用之前采取安全措施

    Next time, when we want to use our laptops or our smartphones in public places which offer free WiFi networks, please think it twice or take safe measures before using them.


  • 做出重要选择之前,你应该三思而后行

    You should think twice before making an important choice.


  • Komada喜欢教育学生三思而后行

    Komada likes to teach his students that they should think about their move before they do it.


  • 一个三思而后行技巧似乎是显而易见的,然而忽视许多

    This is a "look before you leap" tip that sounds obvious, yet has been overlooked by many.


  • 最后要谨记,上网需小心留意并慎重思考你将在网上发布的信息。孔子说过一句话,是最喜欢名言之一,“三思而后行”。

    One of my favorite quotes from Confucius reads, "Think thrice before acting".


  • 那些认为洗礼等净化仪式他们接近上帝应该三思而后行

    Something to think about for those who feel that purification rituals bring them closer to God.


  • 虽然从事第二职业起来是个外快弥补收入减少办法,但就业专家表示,人们打第二之前应该三思而后行

    Although moonlighting sounds like a good way to earn extra income or make up for pay cuts, career experts say workers should think twice before taking on a second job.


  • 总而言之,做人做事,三思而后可以避免很多不必要的烦恼特别是网络世界里

    Altogether, we should look before we leap, then we can sidewalk a lot of unnecessary troubles, especially in the cyber world.


  • 无论是出于好心还是个人利益美国外交官非公开交流商人记者政客或者其他什么如今可三思而后行了。

    Unofficial contacts such as businessmen, journalists, campaigners and other citizens who talk to American diplomats, out of goodwill or self-interest, will think twice about doing so.


  • 考虑主权债务恐慌欧元区蔓延速度,对于是否应该阻挠周四协议曾经推动迪拜房地产市场胜景的银应当三思而后行

    Given the pace at which sovereign debt fears have spread to the eurozone, the Banks that fuelled Dubai's property boom should think twice before blocking Thursday's agreement.


  • 如果差点购入高级负债的话上述情况意味着你需要三思而后行;而如果你希望汽车业一样获得贷款的话,上述情况会激励就此问题施加压力

    If you had been about to buy senior bank debt, it meant that you would think twice. If, like the car industry, you wanted a soft loan, you were encouraged to press your case.


  • 随着原油食品价格节节攀升,美联储升息的问题上越来越需要三思而后行

    The higher oil and food prices go, however, the harder it will be for the Fed to respond so generously.


  • 失业经济影响深远越来越多在职的如果知道有人工作,那么房子的时候免不了三思而后行

    The economic effect of unemployment is wider: as more and more of those still in work know someone who has lost their job, they will think twice before buying a property.


  • 但是点击“发送之前需要三思而后行特别是你在公司里回复一个人的时候。

    But you should think twice before you hit Send, especially if you're replying to everyone in a large group.


  • 因此措辞严厉律师可能足以三思而后行,下一位潜在雇主打电话调查的情况时,或许会谨慎些。

    So a stern letter from a lawyer may be enough to make him think twice about his response to the next prospective employer who calls asking about you.


  • 当然很多在线论坛一样,决定进入三思而后行这点重要

    Of course, as with any forum online, it's important to be cautious before entering.


  • 然而窃贼通过基于位置服务选择作案对象时,也许三思而后行了。

    Burglars using location-based services to choose their victims, however, may still want to think twice.


  • 可能纹身几个小时非常兴奋不已,但是不要这种兴奋冲昏了头脑,对于在身体上作画这事儿您得三思而后行

    You could be the proud owner of a new tattoo in a matter of hoursbut don't let the ease of getting tattoos stop you from making a thoughtful decision about permanent body art.


  • 基于泰丰资本公开的挫败,大部分公司在起诉之前将会三思而后

    Given Terra Firma’s very public loss, most will think twice before they take their bank to court.


  • 三思而后行自己考虑清楚,权衡其他可变义素,未偿的贷款或者即将出现项目避免冒然答应任何事情

    Think before you commit. Allow yourself some breathing room. Weigh other variables such as outstanding or upcoming projects. Avoid rushing into anything.


  • 开始编写登录模块应用服务器定义的时候,请三思而后行

    Think twice before you start writing login modules to customize your application server.


  • 最新报告指出,佛罗里达预算存在相当缺口——也许会投资者们“大沼泽债券项目上三思而后行

    Latest reports show a huge hole in Florida's budget, which may put off investors in its new Everglades bond issue.


  • 戈尔曼不论网上游戏好玩消费者“出卖”自己个人信息一定三思而后行

    So no matter how much fun that online game may be, Gellman said, consumers might want to think a lot harder before they trade their information for a good time.


  • 菲律宾生活节奏要比许多西方国家得多,人们通常三思而后行

    The pace of life in the Philippines is a fair bit slower than it is in many Western countries, and it is common for people to think for a while before they speak.


  • 举例说吧,虽然520块钱一张100块钱的总值一样的,但是人们认为张100块钱钞票值钱些 – 花时候三思而后行

    Even though five $20 bills is the same as one $100 when it comes time to pay for things, people treat the $100 as though it's more valuable and needs to be conserved.


  • Gartner手机研究负责人米兰耐斯(CarolinaMilanesi)警告说,竞争的加剧以及经济疲弱使得用户购买新手机三思而后行

    Carolina Milanesi, research director for mobile devices at Gartner, warned that greater competition and a weakening economy are causing users to wait before buying new phones.


  • 典型三思而后行”,因为基于 hook电子邮件规则反映了您的ClearQuest实施复杂性中的重要跳跃

    This is definitely a case of "look before you leap," because implementing hook code-based e-mail rules represents a significant leap in the complexity of your ClearQuest implementation.


  • 典型三思而后行”,因为基于 hook电子邮件规则反映了您的ClearQuest实施复杂性中的重要跳跃

    This is definitely a case of "look before you leap," because implementing hook code-based e-mail rules represents a significant leap in the complexity of your ClearQuest implementation.


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