You can read some poems written in different dynasties on the third floor, which won fame for the tower.
In its rooms on the second and third floors, you can learn some knowledge about communications, the environment, maths, physics, chemistry and so on.
On the third and the fourth floors, you can buy women's clothes in different colors and sizes.
At that second knock, a window on the third floor opened and the same Snail looked out.
There is a gym up on the third floor and will accommodate a couple hundred people there.
Usually the ground floor is the kitchen, the second floor serves as a storeroom and the third and upper floors are bedrooms.
Strobes and Franks bedrooms and workspaces were on the second and third floors.
When we finish dinner, we often go to the third floor to watch the beautiful scenery.
Tell you what. Let’s go up to the third floor; that’s where theykeep all the stuff that isn’t on display.
The gray-blue painted wood of the two-and three-story watchtowers and the one-story barracks made a pleasant contrast with the snow.
The third floor is a large open loft with walls of Windows on all sides, used as an office.
You know how annoying it is when someone takes the elevator to the second or third floor.
Take the lift to the third floor, we go forward can see directly in exhibition "space heaven and earth" portal.
Jill: My cat fell off a third-floor balcony and just walked away. How can he do that?
We went up to the third floor and saw the nurse, who told us that Hannah was indeed watching TV.
The first being a grand staircase that gives visitors direct access to the roof deck sculpture garden, located on the third level.
She made the long, long climb up the steep stairs to the third floor where a young woman lived.
Federal officers arranged for a call to the resident of a third-floor apartment in this seaside city to say that his storage locker had been broken into.
We have a Chinese restaurant and an Irish bar on the 2nd floor. And we have full business facilities in the business center on the 3rd floor.
Wait, Mr. Reese. I see people moving around in a large room at the west end of the third floor. It could be Elias.
On the second and third floors the stairwell is encased in a stainless steel mesh. This detaches the circulation space and spatially breaks up the bedroom areas.
That night, back at the White House, he stood with his aides at the door of the solarium up on the third floor, slapping out high fives.
"The full kitchen was at her disposal," says the source, who adds that the party dined in the private third floor dining area.
Carolyn found it in a box she had moved to her office from the third-floor residence storage area the previous August.
To accommodate it, he must stick to open space, usually on the third floor near the computer station, where so many people can see him.
The day wore on, we returned from the cremation, and as we turned into our lane I looked up at the house towards my father's rooms on the third storey.
The day wore on, we returned from the cremation, and as we turned into our lane I looked up at the house towards my father's rooms on the third storey.