• 此外利用有限元ansys软件PC B组件整个红外再流中的焊接过程建立实体模型,进行了PC B组件再流焊全过程的三维动态模拟仿真

    Furthermore, the soldering process of PCBA in the whole infrared reflow soldering stove is modeled by the finite element software, ANSYS, and is simulated by the three-dimensional modelling.


  • 借助于虚拟现实硬件,在WTK软件平台调用管路实体模型实现管路系统的三维虚拟设计真实感、沉浸感显示

    The solid model of pipes is utilized on the platform of WTK to achieve the three dimensional virtual design and the immersing display of piping system with the help of virtual reality's hardware;


  • 分析偏心柱塞机构运动简图和工作原理基础运用CAXA实体设计软件创建了该机构模型

    Based on the analysis of the kinematic diagram of mechanism concerning the eccentric piston pump, the three-dimension model of the eccentric piston pump was established by CAXA solid design software.


  • 研究三维动态实体模型建模技术数字开采设计技术,实现了数字开采软件平台

    The study also touches upon the modeling technology of tridimensional dynamic entity and design technology of digital exploration, which provides software platform for the digital exploration.


  • 利用基于特征的机械设计自动化软件建立了TRT调节机构维实体模型进行了装配干涉检查及运动仿真。

    This paper has discussed how to produce 3D models and process dynamic detection for control mechanism of TRT by using feature_based mechanical design automatic software.


  • 应用ADAMS机械动力学仿真软件建立机械缓冲式月球着陆器三维实体模型

    ADAMS mechanical dynamics simulation software is employed to establish solid model of the lunar lander in computer and the dynamics simulation is carried out in the micro gravity environmen…


  • 利用UG软件建立压缩装置三维实体模型

    The three-dimensional digital model of compression equipment and chamber are obtained based on UG package.


  • 仿真结果——三维实体模型通过转换实体文件亦可导入器件软件进行器件性能分析

    The rationality of process and layout design can be checked up, and the simulation's output transformed into model file can be imported into device level to actualize the device's capability analysis.


  • 本文利用ANSYS有限元计算软件建立板式橡胶支座三维实体模型,讨论了利用模型单元参数改变模拟橡胶支座受损的可行性。

    In this paper, using ANSYS software, establish the three-dimensional solid model of laminated rubber bearing, take advantage of changes in model parameters to simulate the bearing damage.


  • 利用建模软件振动筛进行实体建模,并利用有限元方法,对模型结构进行合理简化

    The so1id models of vibrating screen have been built by using 3D software and predigested by using finite element method.


  • 建立线有限元实体模型运用ANSYS有限元分析软件其进行模态分析,得出了线架的固有频率

    The paper establishes the 3D finite element model of wire frame and calculates the result of model analysis with the ANSYS, its first five natural frequencies and vibration models are obtained.


  • 建立线有限元实体模型运用ANSYS有限元分析软件其进行模态分析,得出了线架的固有频率

    The paper establishes the 3D finite element model of wire frame and calculates the result of model analysis with the ANSYS, its first five natural frequencies and vibration models are obtained.


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