• 假如上帝仁慈,那道就不想好事发生的身上吗?

    It's like - well if God is good, doesn't He want good things to happen to me?


  • 根据摩西几部,上帝仁慈然而很多话题

    God, according to the later books of Moses, is benevolent, although there are still a great many subjects he'd rather not go into.


  • 全能仁慈上帝海地居民中遭到强烈否定他们仍然坚信上帝善良全能的。

    The almighty and benevolent God is strongly disconfirmed for residents of Haiti, yet they continue to believe that God is good and all powerful.


  • 仁慈上帝拯救他们孩子(特别真心的祷告之后)经典神圣举动,更加深了他们的信仰所以他们选择注意力集中这个上。

    But the idea of a benevolent God rescuing their son (especially after fervent prayers) is classic divine behavior and confirms their belief system, so that's what they choose to focus on.


  • 如果碰到上帝信仰者,那么可以这么,一个仁慈上帝可能让人类快乐那么道德上帝所做的一切一定也会让人们更加快乐。

    Some may object by insisting that morality must ultimately betraced back to God. But our theory is perfectly happy (so to speak) with doingthat, if you happen to believe in God.


  • 已经学会祈祷'我们',父亲在天国吗,仁慈的上帝,现在怎么陌生人我父亲?

    I have learned to pray, 'our father which art in heaven,' and you have said that my father is in heaven, and that he is our dear God. How can I know such a wild man?


  • 他为什么这么的人都偏这么一块小小的土地生存时,万拿马这样,“我们在这里能够生存下来上帝仁慈。”

    "We are surviving on God's mercy," Wanama says when I ask how so many people manage to survive on so little land.


  • FyodorDostoevsky深深明白上帝怎样给予我们自由责任的——一个引导我们走向平安仁慈主人时刻提醒我们,我们完全由自己负责

    Fyodor Dostoevsky was aware of how God gives us freedom and responsibilityhe is not a benevolent master steering us to safety, but one who reminds us that we are wholly unto ourselves.


  • 如果你碰到上帝信仰者那么可以这么说,一个仁慈上帝可能人类快乐,那么道德上帝的一切一定也会让人们更加快乐

    For presumably a benevolent God wouldwant human beings to be happy, so whatever morality God provides would increasehuman happiness.


  • 分享关于新生宝宝喜悦希望美妙事情,我们仁慈造物主上帝的伟大礼物

    It is marvellous that we share in the joy and hope of a new born child, which is a great gift of our loving creator God.


  • 首先认为世界全能、全仁慈上帝创造,从而提供了一种事物终极解释

    First, it offers an ultimate explanation of things by claiming that the world is the creation of an all-powerful, all-knowing, benevolent being.


  • 分享关于新生宝宝喜悦希望美妙事情,我们仁慈造物主上帝的伟大礼物

    It tis marvellous that we share in the joy and hope of a new born child, which is a great gift of our loving creator God.


  • 上帝完美,完美仁慈必须正确可怕环境面临神秘问题

    God is perfectly just and perfectly merciful, and this we must proclaim right in the midst of the most awful circumstances and in the face of the most mysterious questions.


  • 要求上帝原谅相信因为仁慈上帝

    I have asked God to forgive me and I believe he has because he is a merciful God.


  • 那些暗中行善蒙福上帝仁慈善良找到特别快乐,那一种大餐快乐的满足。

    Blessed is the man who is busy in secret with his kindness: he finds a special joy in his unknown benevolences. This is the bread, which eaten by stealth, is sweeter than the banquets of Kings.


  • 那些暗中行善蒙福上帝仁慈善良找到特别快乐,那一种大餐快乐的满足。

    Blessed is the man who is busy in secret with his kindness: he finds a special joy in his unknown benevolences. This is the bread, which eaten by stealth, is sweeter than the banquets of Kings.


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