• 我们上次选举中投了民主党的票。

    We voted Democrat in the last election.


  • 该党上次选举中遭到惨败。

    The party suffered severe losses during the last election.


  • 上次会议记录方面无尚待解决事项

    Are there any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting?


  • 上次选举中只有70%选民参加了投票

    Only 70% of the electorate voted in the last election.


  • 上次选举中保守党工党手中夺得了这个议席

    The Conservatives won the seat from Labour in the last election.


  • 上次见到那位女化妆师时候正不停地往杰里米·福克斯身上涂抹

    The makeup woman had been daubing mock blood on Jeremy Fox when last he'd seen her.


  • 上次打气筒例子正确

    That example I gave last time with the bicycle pump was not quite the right example.


  • 上次没领到工作服的,总务处补发

    Those who were not issued workclothes last time can get them at the general affairs office now.


  • 想想上次自己别人做事的情景吧。

    Just think about the last time you used your own money to do something for someone else.


  • 上次见到知更鸟,就知道在找对象。

    I knowed the robin was mate-huntin' when I seed him last.


  • 上次提到威廉·亚布莱特一个美国考古学家

    I mentioned last time William F. Albright, an American archaeologist.


  • 上次着给儿子组装玩具火车,我差点放弃了。

    Last time I tried to assemble a toy train for my son and I almost gave up.


  • 南方一个奴隶社会而且我们上次试图证明定义了。

    The South was a slave society, and we tried to demonstrate and define that last time.


  • 上次暑假欧洲旅行时候,我们周内游览众多景点。

    When traveling in Europe during the last summer vacation, we packed a lot of sightseeing in two weeks.


  • 现在只剩下一张爸爸上次航海旅行回来漂亮牛皮纸

    All he had left now was a sheet of the beautiful brown paper Pa had brought back from his last sailing trip.


  • 这次衰退上次不同的地方在于,市场仍然买家

    What makes this slump different from the last, he says, is that there are still buyers in the market.


  • 不得了吧,因为上次见到她的时候,不到一岁。

    You won't be able to remember her, because last time you saw her she was scarcely a year old.


  • 上次5美元干洗费,告诉她我没有多余的钱。

    The last time she asked for five dollars to pay for her dry cleaning, I just told her I couldn't spare it.


  • 如果没有寒假期间练习,我就不能上次听力考试满分。

    I wouldn't have got a full mark in the last listening exam if I hadn't practiced it during the winter holiday.


  • 上次作业中添加了张图片得到反馈不够学术”。

    In my last assignment, I added a few pictures and the feedback I got was that this wasn't "academic" enough.


  • 上次来这里,”摩挲下巴,四下环顾一圈,“大约年前吧。”

    "Th' last time I was here," rubbing his chin and looking round, "was about two year' ago."


  • 上次我们讨论光合作用植物利用二氧化碳转化为食物过程

    Last time we talked about photosynthesis, the process by which plants use light to convert carbon dioxide and water into food.


  • 上次我们讨论被动栖息地选择比如植物它们不会主动选择哪里生长

    Last time we talked about passive habitat selection, like plants for example, they don't make active choices about where to grow.


  • 再说这件让人羞愧,但是上次老师办公室被问到时候确实谎。

    It's a shame to say it again, but I did tell a lie when questioned last time in my teacher's office.


  • 许多货币看起来我们上次比较汉堡包价格2007年7月时候有问题。

    Many currencies look more out of whack than in July 2007, when we last compared burger prices.


  • 这个比赛举行一次。上次这个参赛的时候,他们获得了全国第三

    The competition only happens every four years, and the last time the team went, they won the third place in the nation.


  • 上次我们讨论奎恩达德利斯蒂芬斯案即救生艇案例海上食人惨案

    Last time, we argued about the case of Queen versus Dudley and Stevens, the lifeboat case, the case of cannibalism at sea.


  • 即使距离我们上次见面已经过去了20仍然记得那个雨天我们分开时的情景

    Though it is 20 years since we last met, I still remember the scene where we got separated on a rainy day.


  • 委员会公布了上次会议会议记录揭示调整利率小组预计今年失业率10%。

    The Committee released the minutes of its last meeting, revealing the group that sets interest rates thought unemployment could rise to 10% this year.


  • 也许这次技术革命工具我们能够消除上次工业化对大自然造成一些损害

    Perhaps with the tools of this new technological revolution, we will be able to undo some of the damage done to the natural world by the last one-industrialisation.


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