• 这样下去做得蛮不错嘛

    Keep going like thatyou're doing fine.


  • 他们恳求不要对抗下去

    They will plead with him to pull back from confrontation.


  • 女孩子沿着长满青草的陡坡下去

    The girls ran down the steep grassy bank.


  • 他们坐视整个国家衰落下去

    They sit doing nothing while the country goes to the dogs.


  • 如果旱灾继续下去可能发生饥荒

    If the drought continues there's going to be a famine.


  • 接受过演员训练没有坚持下去

    I was trained to be an actress but I didn't follow it through.


  • 他们好像一心谈判无限期地拖下去

    They seem determined to string the talks out for an indefinite period.


  • 担心自己快掉下去了。

    I'm scared (that) I'm going to fall.


  • 人们理解那场战争继续下去必要性

    The population failed to understand the necessity for the war to go on.


  • 随着不断地讲下去不禁怒火中烧

    Ben felt his hackles rise as the speaker continued.


  • 强迫自己坚持下去

    She forced herself to keep going.


  • 麦卡纳利双膝发软弯了下去地板上

    Mcanally's knees buckled and he crumpled down onto the floor.


  • 无礼已经受够了—我不会容忍下去了!

    I'm sick of your rudeness—I won't have it any longer!


  • 磨难会有的,我们必须下定决心继续做下去

    There is going to be hardship, but we have to grit our teeth and get on with it.


  • 这种情形令人无法容忍,不应该被允许继续下去

    It is an intolerable situation and it can't be allowed to go on.


  • 采访者常常需要故意唱唱反调使访谈继续下去

    Often the interviewer will need to play devil's advocate in order to get a discussion going.


  • 我们不能这样继续下去—我们似乎老是争吵不休

    We can't go on like this —we seem to be always arguing.


  • 乘客们飞机前面出口紧急滑道下去得以逃生

    Passengers escaped from the plane's front exits by sliding down emergency chutes.


  • 由于受到失去工作威胁感到很难再坚持下去

    She felt constrained from continuing by the threat of losing her job.


  • 我们本该料到的。承受那么大的压力可能坚持下去

    We should have seen it coming. There was no way he could keep going under all that pressure.


  • 认为计划不太可能进行下去

    He reckons the odds are against the plan going ahead.


  • 争论下去有什么好处

    He couldn't see the benefit of arguing any longer.


  • 反对党的声音有效地压制了下去

    The voices of the opposition were effectively smothered.


  • 如果再等下去发疯不可。

    I'll go bonkers if I have to wait any longer.


  • 那时佛朗哥希望战争能延续下去

    At that point Franco was desirous of prolonging the war.


  • 米尔清了嗓子然后继续下去

    Meer cleared his throat several times before he went on.


  • 开始非常勤奋,没有坚持下去

    I started off working quite hard, but it didn't last.


  • 他们渴望经济改革计划一定持续下去

    They are anxious to ensure the continuation of the economic reform programme.


  • 一旦杂质沉淀下去可以定级了

    Once its impurities had settled, the oil could be graded.


  • 顺着排水管爬下去了。

    He shinned down the drainpipe and ran off.


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