There is a good comedy on at the Theatre Royal next Saturday.
Thunderstorm "is coming on at the Capital Theatre next Saturday."
You're coming to the small dinner party I'm giving next Saturday night, aren't you?
Send me a big bouquet of assorted flowers before 10:00 next Saturday. I need someday to help me with preparation.
If you have no plans for next Saturday, shall we go sightseeing and shopping around the city?
Kindly inform me by the 5th whether you will attend the farewell party to be given on the next Saturday in honor of our former President.
I sincerely regret that owing to a prior engagement I am obliged to decline your kind invitation to dinner next Saturday.
Pam不肯放弃,问Jimmy要不要参加下星期六的公司野餐,company picnic, 还可以加入他们的沙滩排球队。
P: Well, how about joining the company picnic next Saturday? We're playing beach volleyball and you could join our team!
I've used up all my credit and either I find a place to borrow money in a hurry or I won't be able to meet my payroll Saturday or buy enough food for us to stay open next week.
Sebelius is expected to be in Washington from Saturday through Tuesday for a meeting of the National Governors' Association, according to the Times.
I'm going on vacation on Saturday. This time next week I'll be lying on a beach or swimming in the sea.
South Korea said Thursday it would stage a one-day live-fire exercise on Yeonpyeong Island between Saturday and Tuesday, depending on the weather.
Well, I've got twenty-two dollars, but there's everything to be paid for this week yet, and if I use all I get Saturday to pay this, there won't be any left for next week.
Well, I've got twenty-two dollars, but there's everything to be paid for this week yet, and if I use all I get Saturday to pay this, there won't be any left for next week.