There, the cooled air sinks, raising atmospheric pressure and suppressing rain along most of the Pacific coast, making it one of the driest regions in the world.
But environmental concerns may still sink the effort: Critics warn of industrialized coastlines and harm to sea life.
The captain of the sinking ship used flares to attract the attention of the coastguard.
The office towers reflect the outline of the mountains and seashore with curved edges, while the layout is carefully planned to include a central park with a sunken plaza and water features.
All 47 crew members of a Seattle-based fishing boat have abandoned ship. That's after the vessel started sinking about 120 miles off the Alaska coast.
The gushing of groundwater in Olpad on the west coast shows without a doubt that India is sinking, as does the inundation by sea water at Gopalpur on the east coast.
Even as the waters rise, many coasts will be sinking because of the subsidence that follows as cities suck up groundwater.
Even as the waters rise, many coasts will be sinking because of the subsidence that follows as cities suck up groundwater.