• 给了号码下班以后愿不愿意和她约会

    She gave me her number and asked me if I wanted me to meet her after her shift was over.


  • 知道下班以后最好不要工作作为普通人来说有时很难做到。

    I know it's best to switch off after working hours, but sometimes (as humans) it is tough.


  • 那个星期五下班以后开车去接时,心里一点紧张

    The Friday after I worked, I fetched her at her home, felt like a little bit nervous.


  • 那个星期五下班以后开车去心里一点紧张

    The Friday came after I knock off from my worked; I fetched her at her home, felt like a little bit nervous.


  • 因此我们大多数个人拜访安排下班以后时间里周末社交聚会上

    We, therefore, save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings.


  • 今天下班以后真的很郁闷着让bf一会过来时候点东西安抚

    Today, I was really upset after work, and tearily asked my boyfriend to bring something over to cheer me up when he visited later.


  • 因此我们大多数个人间的拜访放在下班以后时间里周末社交聚会上进行。

    We, therefore, save most personal visiting for after-work hours or for social weekend gatherings.


  • 电梯悄然地开启落,操作电梯上上下下的漂亮女生也只会下班以后口香糖

    The elevators started silently and stopped as silently, and the pretty girls who jockeyed them up and down did not chew gum until they were through working for the day.


  • 工作时候专注于工作,这样我就很快,然后下班以后我就能自己的时间了。

    I focus on my work at the office so that I can do it fast, and then I can have my own time outside working hours.


  • 虽然晚五被认为工作时间但是很多工作朝九晚五工作人员下班以后的。

    Although Nine-to-five is generally thought of as the work day, many jobs are performed when Nine-to-five personnel are off the job.


  • 让我们今天晚上考虑一下,以后我们可以作出决定,下班以后再去行了。

    Let's just sleep on it. And after a good night's sleep, we can make up our minds and go buy it after work.


  • 他们在晚上10下班以后开始”,Lawrence,“不是可以很多城市这样。”

    "They started walking after getting off work at 10 p.m., Lawrence said. "There aren't a whole lot of cities you would do that."


  • 一直以为那些新的商品的味道。下班以后意识到那个味道来自的指甲,那个是我之前大便时候弄上去的。

    I thought it was some new merchandise I was putting out until I realized that there was some poo in my fingernail from when I took a crap earlier that day.


  • 人类学家爱德华·史密斯记得白宫担任讲稿撰写人的时候,白宫曾有规定禁止其雇员在下班以后继续佩戴胸牌

    Anthropologist Edward Smith recalls that when he worked as a White House speechwriter, there was a rule against wearing the White House tag after work.


  • 通过这种方式他们得以保持业务上的秘密并且可以仲裁安排方便时间地点进行,比方说,安排晚上下班以后、在办公楼里进行。

    In this way they can keep their business affairs private, and can arrange for the arbitration to take place at a convenient time and place, e. g., in the evening after work, in an office building.


  • 肖金(音译)说: “现在下班以后会去英语因为不久将来我们客户不仅仅中国人, 所以,我们需要学习更多语言。”

    Xiao Jin: "Now, after I get off work, I study English, because in the future, our customers won't be only Chinese, so we must learn more languages. ""


  • 很小时候就开始怎么玩儿棒球,每天他都下班回来以后玩儿

    He coached me from when I was little. He came home from work every day to see me play.


  • 找到资料没有时间阅读时候,我便把它打印出来留到以后阅读,或者乘火车下班途中阅读。

    If I find material but do not have time to read it, I print it out and read it later or on the commuter train.


  • 下班回家以后经常孩子是否已经刷牙了。

    He would come home from work and ask his kids if they had brushed their teeth.


  • 有时候我们下班以后天都了,看到他天空中一个人练习,我们都感动了,觉得非常成功。”张艺谋

    "Sometimes we have work after a bright day, he also saw in the sky in a person in practice, we have moved, that he was very successful. " Zhang said.


  • 银行他们调查发现高达80%的商业客户会在下班存钱,而且大多是在天黑以后

    The bank said a survey of its members found that up to 80 per cent of them made bank deposits at the end of the day, many of them after dark.


  • 完成学业以后当地工厂找到份工作通过下班男性俱乐部唱歌获得了额外的

    After finishing school, she found a job at a local factory, and earned extra money singing at men's clubs after-hours.


  • 修行以后除了工作下班回家功课,基本不出门,除了家人没有什么朋友了。

    Except for the cultivation and my job, I have nothing to do after I get off work. I almost have no friends except my family.


  • 婶婶下班回家我们从来都看不到玛琳。在以后只能到房子前面。

    We never see Marin until her aunt comes home from work, and even then she can only stay out in front.


  • 改变了下班回家路线以后,我发现喜欢走花木那边的路。

    After the day I changed my path home, I found I was love the new way better.


  • 改变了下班回家路线以后,我发现喜欢走花木那边的路。

    After the day I changed my path home, I found I was love the new way better.


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