If not, I download the template and then cache it inside a Dojo dictionary.
要下载模板,打开Word 2007和办公室按一下按钮,左上角并选择新建。
To download the templates, open Word 2007 and click the Office button on the top left corner and select New.
After you download the template file, use it to create a new database on a Domino server, then do the following.
A useful trick is to download the project with the templates that you need and then upload that project back into your new project.
Written Goal Cards: The first is to download our Goal Setting Toolkit and print out the template on business card stock.
This project can be downloaded and uploaded to the other projects to copy over the templates and attribute groups.
Alternatively, a completed template is provided in the download file, if you wish instead to load it.
Click the code icon at the top to download the sample document template.
Download a legal template, put in the terms you have agreed on, and sign it, possibly after getting one hour of legal advice from a buddy at law school.
Many of the documents, charts, graphs, and records from the fictional project are available for download on the author's Web site, so readers can use them as templates for their own work.
Users can upload a drawing to gallery, as well as view and download those created by others.
邮件模板示例以及CSLD 8.3配置数据库在下载一节中提供,可以作为您自己进行定制的起点。
The sample mail template, together with the CSLD 8.3 configuration database, is attached in the download section and can be used as a starting point for your individual customization.
The free option allows only the basic template and HTML/text download, other options require a membership.
The download ZIP file below provides a portlet template based on the design approach discussed here.
A useful print-and-sketch template available for downloading.
用户可以从openvz .上下载ubuntu软件的模板。
Users will download an Ubuntu software template from OpenVZ.
Paper Browser is a paper wireframing template you can download and print out.
For calc, you can download savings calculators, budget tables, balance sheets, and other templates.
只需简单地使用MonoDevelop中的插件管理器(Add-in manager)来下载OpenOffice自动化示例(Automation Samples),就可以获得需要的模板。
Simply use the Add-in manager for MonoDevelop to download OpenOffice Automation Samples to get the necessary templates.
Ability to choose among hundreds of templates for which the app will download the ISO files and record them on the USB stick without you doing anything.
You can download and use it without charge, but Castledine does put some limits on both his liability and your commercial use of the software.
Users will be able to download the Ubuntu software template on the OpenVZ template page on Jan. 8.
Once you’re set up, WLW will download the stylesheet and post template, so as you write your posts you can see exactly how it will look when it’s posted.
OpenOffice already comes with a number of standard templates, but you can download many more for handling specific problems.
This downloadable PSD file contains GUI template elements for the Maemo platform. These are indispensable for prototyping GUI applications running on Maemo devices.
为了更快的开始建立图标,你可以下载Android图标模板包。 获得更多信息请查看《Android风格模板包的使用》。
To get started creating your icons more quickly, you can download the Android Icon Templates Pack.
And he just has this pattern plate that individual person offers download early in the morning.
And he just has this pattern plate that individual person offers download early in the morning.