• 包括救援安全钩下降吊带,绳。

    Including Rescue rope, karabiners, Descender, Sling, Rope protectors, Red rescue bag.


  • 对于大型文档选择较大缓冲区带来好处在超过8KB之后反而下降传递解析输入类型有关

    For large documents, the benefit of choosing larger buffer sizes drops off beyond 8 KB, though this may depend on the type of input source you pass to the parser.


  • 如果服务价格下降怎么办?

    What if the server goes down?


  • 过去20年里糖尿病监控心脏起搏极大改进,同时价格也有所下降- - - - -但是因为他们更多病人所以成本增长。

    Diabetes monitors and pacemakers have improved dramatically in the past 20 years and have fallen in price-but costs have gone up because they are now being used by more patients.


  • 实际上输入阻抗变压它们效率频带宽度都会下降

    At high input impedances, in practice both efficiency and bandwidth of a transformer will reduce.


  • 可以回想上月专栏中的,该图显示了一旦多个线程使用同步竞争一个内置监视吞吐量如何大幅度下降

    You might recall the graphs from last month's column showing how throughput can drop dramatically once multiple threads contend for a built-in monitor lock using synchronization.


  • 如果应用程序负载不足—没有足够工作—,则GC速率不可作为良好的性能指示因为如果没有工作可做,速率将会下降

    If an application is under-loaded - that is, if it doesn't have enough work to do - the rate of GC is not a great performance indicator because the rate will drop if no work is coming in.


  • 降低下降速率垂直推进

    Vertical thrusters to decrease fall rate.


  • 由于较富裕家庭大部分的收入花费休闲产品上,他们视听游戏以及玩具价格下降中获益更多

    Better-off families spend more of their income on leisure products, so tend to benefit more from the falling prices for audio visual equipment as well as games and toys.


  • 如果——联合服务之间连接——具有特定特征,在访问频繁时会导致响应性能下降,则可能会出现异常

    An exception may occur if a sourceor a connector between the federation server and the source — has specific characteristics that cause response performance degradation when frequently accessed.


  • 人们很快发现线程重要资源,并且线程数量超过界限后,应用服务性能显著下降

    It was quickly discovered that a thread is an important resource and that the application-server performance degrades significantly if the number of threads surpasses some boundary.


  • 网络性能下降因为要将更新应用程序服务推送数据库服务

    Degraded network performance, as the updates were pushed from the application servers to the database server.


  • 辆车发动机周围布满真空管传感电线尼克自信心已经下降到了商店买个拍得相机程度

    The engine was crawling with vacuum lines and sensor wires, and Nick's confidence had fallen to the point of sending me to Caldor for a Polaroid camera.


  • 到时候我们探讨IE桌面浏览份额下降就比较意义了。

    Then it will be time to really talk about IE's desktop browser share declines.


  • 重力作用导致细胞自然沉降反应旋转平衡,因而细胞能够反应培养基温和地下降

    The natural sedimentation of cells due to gravity is balanced by the bioreactor's rotation, resulting in a gentle falling of cells within the media in the chamber.


  • 系统采用智能标签摄像机路边传感集合,投入使用瑞典首都交通量下降20%。

    After the system—which uses a combination of smart tags, cameras and roadside sensors—was launched, traffic in the Swedish capital decreased by nearly 20%.


  • 服务可用性指数下降SAT 95以下时,服务将把新的请求定向其他集群成员

    The server redirects new requests to other cluster members when the server availability index drops below the SAT of 95.


  • 因为反应已经关闭了很时间残余热量下降到了一个显著水平因此工厂内部的压力已经稳定不再需要继续排气

    Because the reactor had been shut down a long time ago, the decay heat had decreased to a significantly lower level, so the pressure in the plant stabilized, and venting was no longer required.


  • 过去二十年间计算机价格急剧下降使得打印机显示网络接入需求量显著增加

    The dramatic fall in the price of computersover the past twenty years has significantly increased the demand for printers, monitors and internet access.


  • 今时今日,cpu内存之类硬件价格已经有了极大下降但是局限仍然存在比如处理能够支持的内存总容量

    These days, the cost of hardware, like CPU and memory, has gone down drastically. But still there is a limit, for example, to the amount of memory that is supported by the processor.


  • 过去英特尔公司声称,行动仅仅激烈竞争行为,处理价格最近几年急剧下降健康市场标志

    In the past, Intel has argued that its actions are simply rigorous competition, and that a steep fall in the price of microprocessors over recent years is a sign of a healthy market.


  • 注意垃圾收集活动状态下对应时间量子周期性下降

    Note the periodic dips corresponding to time quanta where the garbage collector is active.


  • 也可能使用流程引导操作同时运行审核日志分析,此时流程编排性能为什么下降原因之一。

    This can be another reason why process choreographer performance degrades if you run audit log analysis in parallel with process navigation.


  • 无论是性能下降问题还是任何服务资源用户连接断开问题,每个任务的具体问题都会记录下来,而且性能结果也会收集起来

    Whether the problems are slow performance or user disconnects to any server or resource, specific errors are recorded for each task and performance results are collected.


  • 记住,配置太多页面清洗可能会损害数据库服务运行队列导致极大性能下降

    Also keep in mind that having too many page cleaners may overwhelm the run queue on the database server and cause the significant performance degradation.


  • 这个服务一个数字中心管理,也就是工厂——整合了数十万台服务成本大幅下降的同时,而处理能力在飙升

    Such services are hosted in data centres, the factories of the cloud, which are crammed with hundreds of thousands of servers, whose price has plunged as their processing power has soared.


  • 相反基于NIO服务性能线性方式下降

    In contrast, the NIO-based server's performance degraded in a linear fashion.


  • 使用两个集群复制CPU使用下降

    The CPU usage is reduced when two cluster replicators are used.


  • 使用两个集群复制CPU使用下降

    The CPU usage is reduced when two cluster replicators are used.


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