• 作品做作时尚影响清代雕刻

    His works stopped the vogue of affectation and influenced the engravers of the Qing Dynasty.


  • 透明没有颜色的颜色,是一种加掩饰的心情,是一种做作的性格

    Transparency is a color which we can't see, and it is a feeling which is not hidden, and it is a character which is sincere.


  • 透明没有颜色的颜色,是一种加掩饰的心情,是一种毫做作的性格。

    The transparency is a color which we can't see, and it is a feeling which is not hidden, and it is a character which is sincere.


  • 如果幽默时觉得很尴尬,你就必须进行练习使变得自然加入一些很随便的、显然是即兴的话的同时你就可以轻松的、做作方式把它们说出来了。

    If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural, include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforced manner.


  • 14时,最后的家庭教师使他取得突破——“编的借口每日翻新,毫无疑问令他大开眼界”——通过稿费随笔进而写小说

    The breakthrough came aged 14 when his latest tutor—“no doubt amazed by my increasingly inventive excuses as to why I hadn’t done my homework”—commissioned him to write essays and then a novel.


  • 海底服务员热情不做作忙碌而且快乐能自主拔高一点似乎是在享受工作

    Sea fishing waiter warm but unpretentious, busy and happy, but also independent, overstating the point that seems to enjoy the work.


  • 妈妈度过了一个糟糕的周末因为整天玩电脑游戏

    My mother had a terrible weekend because I played computer games all day but didn't do my homework.


  • 因为知道如果现在业的话,我后面一个美好的春节

    Because I know if I didn't work on my study now, I couldn' t have a great Spring Festival later on.


  • 我们每天只有小时回家作业周末业。

    We have only half an hour of homework every day and we don't do homework at weekends.


  • 伍德曼补充说灰色是更为明智的选择。灰色领带看上去老练不做作

    It's often smarter to stick to grey shades, added Woodman. A grey tie can help give you a more sophisticated look without seeming pretentious, said Woodman.


  • 今天电脑前上网的时候父母把我倒在地,他们从来”,“知道浪费时间”。

    Today, my parents grounded me from using the computer. They said it was "a waste of my time" and that I "never get any homework done".


  • 桑姆三个孩子如果上学,大人就指望他们帮着干一点。

    Sam's three children had always been expected to give a hand when they were not in school or doing their homework.


  • 一个理想广告合乎情理单调乏味,有创造情而做作,有想象力误导别人。

    A desirable advertisement will be reasonable but never dull, original but never self-conscious, imaginative but never misleading.


  • 一个理想广告合乎情理单调乏味,有创造性不做作,有想象力误导别人

    A desirable advertisement will be reasonable but never dull, original but never self-conscious, imaginative but never misleading.


  • 娜塔莉粉红扮相自然不做作今年略显单调的奥斯卡带来了一抹亮色

    Thank you, Natalie, for bringing some much needed color to the Red Carpet! She looked pretty, fresh, and angelically pink in this number.


  • 知道玩乐认为欺骗老师时,他欺骗的其实是他自己

    And a person only known play, don't think he is doing his homework in deception the teacher, he spoofed himself.


  • 捕捉真实生活色彩,适切而做作

    For its realistic and colorful depiction of life, that is appropriate and unfeigned.


  • 那些充满敌意灵魂来说即使没有更多这样的布鲁姆足够地自然不做作了。但是,把阅读当作自卖自夸的观念很肤浅的。

    There are those malicious souls for whom Bloom is quite enough himself without there being even more of him, but the notion of reading as a kind of self-entrepreneurship is plain enough.


  • 大约的时候,父母每周六上午一所中文学校,可我讨厌学中文——我从来做作上课认真听讲

    When I was about ten years old, I was sent to a Chinese school on Saturday mornings. I hated it - I never did the homework and didn't pay attention in class.


  • 仅仅日语书而不做使用日语口语的话,日语怎么变得擅长

    Just to see the Japanese as opposed to their assignments, and the non-use of the spoken Japanese and Japanese is not how become good at.


  • 名严格的老师学生或者上课讲话时处罚他们

    The ________ teacher punishes his students when they don't do their homework or talk in class.


  • 【失恋33天经典台词】知道市面青年还有很多一定幽默做作温柔湿相貌端庄随便,便击中心房

    I know, still have a lot of good youth on the market, there must be a person, humor and not artificial, soft and not salty wet, no more dignified appearance, but a smile casually, can hit my heart.


  • 【失恋33天经典台词】知道市面青年还有很多一定幽默做作温柔湿相貌端庄随便,便击中心房

    I know, still have a lot of good youth on the market, there must be a person, humor and not artificial, soft and not salty wet, no more dignified appearance, but a smile casually, can hit my heart.


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