Not trying to improve upon living and keep a peaceful and tranquil heart is important to a man.
The Eight Winds are dharmas that test your mind, to see whether adverse or favorable situations will upset your equilibrium.
听到销售人员天花乱坠的描述, 令我不得不动心把这台电视买下。
After listening to the flowery sales pitch, I was convinced to buy this new TV set.
Although the idea I have now may change when I get older, I am not inclining toward "special-event-kind" proposals at this moment.
Policymakers need to lay the factual groundwork with voters before setting out their plans; but with the breakneck speed of the news-cycle, it is hard for politicians not to take the populist bait.
The decks were soon covered with colourful rugs from Persa, silk from India, copper coffee pots, and beautiful hand-made silver ware. It was difficult not to be tempted. ……
Resist, if you can, the sales manager's brother-in-law who has a hot new graphics card in his computer and "can do as well as the big houses at a fraction of the cost."
Resist, if you can, the sales manager's brother-in-law who has a hot new graphics card in his computer and "can do as well as the big houses at a fraction of the cost."