他们还强调了避免表面比较和“升降机经济学”(elevator economics)的重要性,“升降机经济学”强调不同时间和不同国家间的微小差异。
They also say the importance of avoiding superficial comparisons and "elevator economics" that stress small differences over time and across countries.
物流的时间价值是指同一商品在不同时间的价值差异。 。
Time value in logistics refers to the differences in value of the same goods at different time.
There were variant recoveries of cardiovascular system after exercise in the experimental group and the control group, both male and female at different times and exercise loads.
Results The differences of propofol concentration in plasma during centrifugal duration after different storage times were not significant.
Investigating the characteristic of the array of time of historical data, it is clear that the degree of impact on model of different-year historical data shows large difference.
The results was same with different examine times in two groups children.
Mainly because of the different functional status in different time sometimes it could generate significantly different or even opposite effect with acupuncture in different time.
结果术后不同时间检测病人的丙戊酸血药浓度无明显差异常, 术后血药浓度与术前病人是否服用丙戌酸制剂无关;
Rusults The blood drug concentration had no difference at the 3 points and no relationship with the history of taking Valproate.
结果术后不同时间检测病人的丙戊酸血药浓度无明显差异常, 术后血药浓度与术前病人是否服用丙戌酸制剂无关;
Rusults The blood drug concentration had no difference at the 3 points and no relationship with the history of taking Valproate.