They find that women who drank two or three cups of coffee per day were 15 percent less likely than those who drank little or decaffeinated coffee to be depressed.
Women in the study were asked about how many caffeinated and decaffeinated beverages they drank including sodas and teas but most of the caffeine the women drank was from coffee.
薄荷刺激的味道可以让你清爽一整天,但别忘了一点,薄荷不含咖啡因,因此防止下午犯困就要靠别的了。 。
The sharp peppermint taste will help you perk up for 8 ams, but beware — it's non-caffeinated, so you might need something else to keep your eyes open later in the day.
Good drinks include a little warmed milk, an herbal tea (or other non-caffeinated tea), a weak hot chocolate (remember that it contains caffeine though).
Coffee made from a type of pistachio nuts could provide a caffeine free and healthy alternative to the popular hot beverage, according to research by scientists.
They say these new findings do not prove that caffeinated coffee causes less depression in women, so more studies are needed to confirm the link.
Tea, whether black or green, caffeinated or decaffeinated (herbal teas don't count), has spectacular antioxidant capabilities owing to large amounts of substances called flavonoids.
Avoid caffeinated drinks, such as tea, coffee, cola and chocolate, four hours before bed. Opt for decaffeinated coffee, chamomile tea, or warm milk.
Avoid caffeinated drinks, such as tea, coffee, cola and chocolate, four hours before bed. Opt for decaffeinated coffee, chamomile tea, or warm milk.