• 穿了一好看毛料衣服

    She was wearing a rather shapeless woolen dress.


  • 一眼看上去这些墙壁只是好看照片

    At first glance, these walls are just an unsightly mess of photographs.


  • 尽管头像线条粗犷,参。托尔斯是个好看男人

    Despite the crudeness of the sketched likeness, Samson Tower was not an unhandsome man.


  • 看起来富有——因为他穿着好看的廉价西装

    He didn't look rich either — he was wearing a cheap, unstylish suit.


  • 多数女性删除自己拍得好看照片即使这些照片其他人拍得

    Most women will also delete unflattering pictures of themselves even if other people in the frame look good.


  • 研究发现,和长得好看员工一样友好员工也会受到更多苛刻的对待。

    The study found that disagreeable workers, like unattractive employees, were treated more harshly than their co-workers.


  • 还说道:“十之有七伴娘坚信她们穿好看的衣服,只为使新娘看起来更美。”

    He continued: 'in seven out of ten cases, the bridesmaids are convinced they have been lumbered with a dress to make the bride look prettier.


  • 绝大多数女性(82%)承认度假经过筛选——删除自己拍得好看照片即使这些照片其他人拍得

    The overwhelming majority of women (82 per cent) admitted that they edited holiday pictures - removing pictures of themselves which were unflattering even if the other people in the frame looked good.


  • 摄影师史蒂芬-伊斯威特最终解开了这个谜团——好看的相片好看的相片之间区别可能相机镜头造成的。

    Photographer Stephen Eastwood has finally solved the mystery - showing that the difference between a good photo and instantly deleted disaster can be down to the camera lens.


  • 相比沉闷好看的小说,一本同样沉闷好看的科普读物总是给力,概因科普读物至少能给科普一下

    Reading a dull, charmless nonfiction book is almost always better than reading a dull, charmless novel. With a nonfiction book, you might at least learn something.


  • 正如设计者自己所说:“一生最骄傲有两样,一样是孩子们一样就是从没过哪个穿我设计的礼服的女人好看。”

    Or, as the designer herself puts it: 'I'm proudest of two things in my life: my children, and that I've never met a woman who doesn't look good in my dress.


  • 我们对方身上到了很多东西,我们从对对方撒谎比如出门穿了一件好看的衣服时可能会,‘我觉得还是一件看起来更好’。

    We've learnt so much from each other. We never lie. If I want to go out she might say, 'I think you will look better in something else.


  • 可能好看这种情况无害并且经常的洗头通常可以消除它。

    Although it may look unpleasant, this condition is harmless and usually clears up with regular shampooing.


  • 找了一个又便宜汽车旅馆,设施不好看

    She found a small, inexpensive motel on the outskirts of the town; it was barren and unlovely.


  • 我们两个都好看,我们表情很难看

    He said we were neither of us much to look at and we were as sour as we looked.


  • 幸的是,这只鸭子颜色不好看,味道也好吃。

    Unluckily, the duck was neither nice in color nor delicious in taste.


  • 觉得郎格太太这个真是太了;侄女都是规规矩矩的好姑娘,只可惜长得一点也好看。 我真喜欢她们

    I do think Mrs. Long is as good a creature as ever lived -- and her nieces are very pretty behaved girls, and not at all handsome: I like them prodigiously.


  • 浓密头发常会让人苦恼,一方面是因为浓密的头发梳起某些发型来会好看,另一方面,太的头发很容易蓬松个小丑

    Thick hair can be problematic both because certain hair styles don't look good with thicker hair and also because thick hair tends to "poof" out like clown hair.


  • 卡琳威利斯办公室外面穿着看上去橡胶石头一样笨重的鞋底印花的MBT鞋,说道,“这鞋相当,而且不好看”。

    Outside her office in Boston this week, Carin Willis was wearing her MBTs, which have big, thick, curved soles that look like big rubber rockers. "They're very heavy.


  • XSLT 1.0中,相当好看显式创建名称空间节点唯一方式创建一个使用名称空间节点的临时元素那儿抽取该名称空间节点。

    In XSLT 1.0, that's rather ugly; the only way to explicitly create a namespace node is to create a temporary element that USES it and extract it from there.


  • 如果穿牛仔裤穿那种口袋太多的,好看

    If you are going to wear jeans, make sure they are not too baggy. This does not look good.


  • 哥伦比亚大学研究员发现金钱教育能让男女约会魅力即使他们长得好看

    A group of researchers at Columbia University have discovered that money and education both make men and women more attractive in the dating pool, even if they aren't in great shape.


  • 如果穿牛仔裤要穿那种口袋太多的,那好看

    If you are going to wear jeans, make sure they are not too baggy.This does not look good.


  • 可是没有那张永远忙碌辛劳。一点儿也好看真心周到

    But I did not find my aunt, her face always with a busy and laborious expression, which was not pretty at all, but was always sincere and considerate.


  • 西尔:“我们必须两方面更加努力,A推广我们全球最好大学。”B改变无法获得学生签证不好

    SCOT MARCIEL: "We have to do a much better job of a marketing our universities, which are the best in the world; and b changing this terrible perception that you can't get a student visa."


  • 外表重要有时候我们认为自己好看个性很温柔、很亲切看到先生笑嘻嘻的,先生生气的时候就笑着说:“什么事让高兴?”

    The outside appearance is not very important. Sometimes we think we are not pretty, but be gentle and cordial - always smile when seeing your husband.


  • 害怕沃基尼娅·伍尔夫》一片中,泰勒伯顿首次饰演外形不好看发福角色

    For their roles in Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Burton and Taylor for the first time in their careers dared to appear as unglamorous, disheveled and overweight characters.


  • 粉丝担心好看啊,穿什么衣服啊,”,“对于这些真是办法。”

    My fans worry about whether I look good, what clothes I wear, ” he said. “There’s no way around it.”


  • 粉丝担心好看啊,穿什么衣服啊,”,“对于这些真是办法。”

    My fans worry about whether I look good, what clothes I wear, ” he said. “There’s no way around it.”


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