So even the apparently simple task of publishing well-presented and logically arranged information on the web turns out to be surprisingly difficult-and remains incomplete.
Considerable attention has been given to imperfections of information and of competition, to transaction costs, indivisibilities, and increasing returns, and to some of the relations among these.
But incomplete or sparse information contributes to high levels of risk for oil exploration and development.
However, because of the informational asymmetry in its development and imperfect market mechanism, it instability is growing and its strategic significance has not been fully realized.
However, incomplete accounting principles and system, the low quality of accountants and many incontrollable financial affairs in enterprises are the main causes.
The production and implement of degeneration depend on three-dimensional disciplines:asymmetry quality imperfection and market imperfection.
In other words, the imperfections of the system and will also be bound by the lack of accounting information distortion.
Besides the subject reason mentioned above, the paper also analyze the objective reason for accounting information distortion through research of the faultiness of related system.
If MBTF receives a trade execution complaint that does not contain all the required information, MBTF will immediately notify the customer that the complaint is deficient.
So long as we rely on children's comprehension mechanism, can we hope for their grasping the nature of things even though only imperfect information is provided for them.
The quality of many of the 1400 listed ones remain ns poor—though weak disclosure and accounting standards make the exact state of their finances near-impossible to determine.
The quality of many of the 1400 listed ones remain ns poor—though weak disclosure and accounting standards make the exact state of their finances near-impossible to determine.