In the continuous learning in progress, in the ongoing exploration of understanding and the accumulation of growing up.
After years of exploration and summary, it was found that incentive is the best means to achieve this objective.
The implementation of integrated science is difficult, but we can come to success through exploration endlessly.
One of the generalities most often noted about Americans is that we are a restless, a dissatisfied, a searching people.
In theory and practice to the process of integration, the need to constantly explore, and repeated verification, gradually improving.
The belief keeps you searching for answers, which means that pretty soon you will get them.
Through constant exploration and practice, the system reform of provincial directly governing counties is becoming a major breakthrough in the administrative restructuring reform.
Since 60 ages break out the first "software crisis", experts of the software realm at continuously of quest the software development of the new validity method.
On the basis of these findings, many foreign language researchers have discovered that affective factors can play a critical role in foreign language learning and teaching.
Quantitative estimation of unknown mineral resource is an important step of resource assessment. Geologists have been keeping on searching for proper methods of reserve estimate.
The reform of Chinese textbook exercises and activities is far from being over, there are lots of problems in the current textbook exercise, it need us further explore and hard work.
Because it still lacks the matured experience as reference in this thesis at present, it has some difficulty in applying the technique, and it needs more exploration and study to reach maturation.
We have to beautify the corporate image, promote corporate culture, continuous exploration, in the old and new customers under the care, Wuhan city will provide you with more perfect service!
These Geeks became prevalent starting in 2004, obsessed with the ever-expending collection of Apple products, inventing social network design and blogging.
If we are to truly understand how much our cognitive lives differ cross-culturally, we must continually explore the depths of our species' linguistic diversity.
However, as the capabilities of those devices increase, that may be an area to explore in the future.
Robotics technology, which will play an increasingly important role in all phases of human exploration in space, continues to make advances.
Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. That 's why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.
Space exploration is a challenge to human beings. That's why several nations try hard to carry out space exploration continuously.
Human beings were not the pinnacle of a purposeful creation; like everything else, they evolved by trial and error and God had no direct hand in their making.
They look for ways to cope with soaring health care costs, changing disease patterns, and the rising expectations and demands of their populations.
The author seeks to break the methods he created yesterday and move on towards unexplored territory.
Second, the two sides should open new areas of economic and trade cooperation, explore new ways of bilateral cooperation and enrich the content of bilateral relations.
Anthropology has extensively explored the evolution of the female hip bones, which expanded over time to accommodate the evolutionary growth of the heads of human babies.
The history of man is hung on a timeline of exploration and this is what's next.
She's constantly hunting for new ideas and designing experiments with the hope of surprising herself, not just confirming existing theories.
Continually learn new skills and explore new worlds not associated with your work.
Continually learn new skills and explore new worlds not associated with your work.