• 有什么明白

    What wouldn't I understand?


  • 如果发现明白公司弱项懂装懂

    If you see a weakness in your business and you don't [understand] it, don't pretend you do.


  • 他们明白是:银行为什么照顾湖集团?

    They do not see why the bank should be doing Kumho Asiana any favours.


  • 唯一明白居然到现在都没的存在。

    The only thing that I can't understand is that you haven't been able to "nose" him out yet.


  • 庆贺能听懂学到的,过于担心明白部分

    Celebrate what you do understand and what you are learning, and don't worry too much about the parts that are still missing.


  • 我们明白这个时期谈判协议还是处理过危机

    It is not clear, was she negotiating a treaty or agreements or was she handling crises during this period of time?


  • 首先接受明白贷款条款购买你无法负担得起房子

    First, don’t buy a house you can’t afford by agreeing to terms you can’t meet embedded in a mortgage you don’t understand.


  • 明白一些怎么就那么依赖上乘船作为他们唯一出游方式呢。

    What I don't understand is how some people rely on this as their only source of traveling.


  • 明白就是难道她跑了半个地球就仅仅为了两个星期高尔夫球?

    What I don’t understand is traveling half-way around the world just to play it everyday for two weeks.


  • 母亲的脸上,有一女儿明白朦胧馏、在焉和洋洋得意的神情。

    There was a dreaminess, a preoccupation, an exaltation, in the maternal look which the girl could not understand.


  • 明白为什么普通用户认为他们需要Photoshop盗版

    What I just don't get is why the average user thinks 1 they need Photoshop and 2 they need to pirate it.


  • 攻击埃及地时候,在约瑟中间立此证。那里听见我所明白言语

    He established it as a statute for Joseph when he went out against Egypt, where we heard a language we did not understand.


  • 攻击埃及地时候约瑟中间立在那里听见我所明白言语。

    This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language that I understood not.


  • 一些公司明白会有所改变股价也会随之上升,另外一些明白公司则继续衰退

    Some companies will figure this out and make the right changes and will see a benefit to their share price, others will not and will continue to languish.


  • 多数伊朗明白为什么伊朗如此泱泱大国拥有其它国家可以拥有的科技

    Most Iranians do not see why a great nation such as theirs should be denied a technology others are allowed to have.


  • 要么听众明白术语,要么解释听众早已熟知的概念是差劲演讲两个极端。

    Using acronyms that the audience doesn't know or explaining concepts that the audience already gets are two good ways to be a bad speaker.


  • 他们明白工作场所以外表现出来仁慈工作中的宽容完全相干的。

    They don't understand that the compassion I show outside of the workplace is completely unrelated to my leniency at work.


  • 可以的,为何选用一些演员一些浓浓工人口音口音连许多英国人自已或许也听明白

    Fine, but then why use actors employing working-class accents so thick many of the English themselves might not be able to understand them?


  • 或者碰到一些人对着你吹嘘30分钟一些你明白东西——这里来一个行话,那里来一句时髦话的。

    Or you have some that will just filibuster you for 30 minutes with stuff you just don't understand - this buzzword, that buzzword.


  • 始终能看到有生命力的思考。所以,这些年来一直在追踪一些小时候明白直到长大明白的东西。

    But always, I am witnessing living thought, tracked across the years, something a kid couldn't understand, not until he's older.


  • 但是还有一点明白地方,关于储蓄做出这个具有争议性政策,为什么要2013年才开始实行

    But there is a bit of a puzzle about the saving he expects to make from this controversial policy, which will apply from 2013.


  • 换言之如果段,解读明白文字古代解读理论里,另一段,可能能阐明那段模糊文字的文字。

    In other words, if you have a text that you're not clear about the interpretation of it, it's okay in ancient interpretation theory to go to another text that might shed light on that cloudy text.


  • 明白为什么再也没有过来,不明白为什么他没有听到说话但是只有,会很多事情是明白的

    I didn't understand why he wasn't waking up or why he didn't hear me talking to him, but at 6 years old, there are lots of things you don't understand.


  • 工人签下那些自己明白合同,合同中写明工人要自己支付工厂宿舍住宿费伙食费,医疗费用工伤赔偿也标准

    Workers sign contracts they cannot understand, which include paying for food and lodging in factory dormitories, medical fees and penalties for work not up to standard.


  • 你阅读复杂科学或者金融文字时KindleiBooks内置词典如同天赐之物般好用。点击一个明白词汇,解析就会浮现。

    The dictionary integrated in both the Kindle and iBooks apps is a godsend when reading complicated scientific or financial texts: Hit a word you don't recognize and the definition pops up.


  • 你阅读复杂科学或者金融文字时KindleiBooks内置词典如同天赐之物般好用。点击一个明白词汇,解析就会浮现。

    The dictionary integrated in both the Kindle and iBooks apps is a godsend when reading complicated scientific or financial texts: Hit a word you don't recognize and the definition pops up.


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