• 已有信息量大得令不知所措

    I was overwhelmed by the sheer quantity of information available.


  • 观光者可能人群噪声搞得有点不知所措

    Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.


  • 感到了。“对不起罗伯只是有些不知所措。”

    She felt her face going red. "I'm sorry Rob, it's just that I'm, um, overwhelmed."


  • 挥手表示欢迎告别挠头表示不知所措

    Waving can mean welcome and farewell, whereas scratching your head may indicate that you are at a loss.


  • 肯定很多高管因为收到大量备忘录感到不知所措

    There must be a lot of executives overwhelmed by the number of memorandums they received.


  • 学生毕业时还拥有各种各样技能兴趣他们往往发现,自己在选择最终职业目标时会不知所措

    Students are graduating with a variety of skills and interests, but often find themselves overwhelmed when it comes to choosing an ultimate career goal.


  • 学生们应当说出美国第13任总统名字面对根断裂自行车链条不知所措什么时候形成的共识?

    When did it become accepted wisdom that students should be able to name the 13th president of the United Sates but be utterly overwhelmed by a broken bike chain?


  • 学生们应当说出美国第13任总统名字,面对根断裂自行车链条不知所措什么时候形成的共识?

    When did it become accepted wisdom that students should be able to name the 13th president of the United States but be utterly overwhelmed by a broken bike chain?


  • 这个通告震惊得不知所措

    He was floored by the announcement.


  • 突然改变话题使茫然不知所措

    His abrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly.


  • 自从听到消息一直茫然不知所措

    I've been in a complete daze since hearing the news.


  • 政府如何安置这么多人显得不知所措

    The government appears to be in a quandary about what to do with so many people.


  • 生还者不知所措,心有余悸,等待救援船只

    Survivors waited for the rescue boats, dazed and frightened.


  • 生活好像陷入不知所措境地,进退两难。

    His life seemed stuck in limbo ; he could not go forward and he could not go back.


  • 此时此刻你们总统不知所措尽力办法推动的竞选。

    Right now, you've got a president who's floundering, trying to find some way to get his campaign jump-started.


  • 一些顾客看上去种类十分繁多销售货品感到不知所措了。

    Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goods for sale.


  • 料想会要一杯苏格兰威士忌,所以调一杯马丁尼时,她有点不知所措

    She expected him to ask for a scotch and was rather nonplussed when he asked her to mix him a martini.


  • 知所措的他在网上看到一则招聘医院志愿者的通知。

    Feeling at a loss, he saw a notice online looking for volunteers to work in hospitals.


  • 波莉姨妈愣住了不知所措汤姆希望她能说些好话。

    Aunt Polly paused, perplexed, and Tom looked for healing pity.


  • 木偶这么华丽东西包围着,感到有点不知所措

    Surrounded by so much splendor, the Marionette hardly knew what he was doing.


  • 没有人众人不知所措,他们彼此为了急于出主意而苦恼。

    None smiled; but all were sore perplexed, and looked one to the other in deep tribulation for counsel.


  • 从不知名海鲜挑出米饭玉米粒来吃,男友不知所措地看着饭碗

    I pick rice and sweetcorn out from unidentified seafood as my boyfriend eyes his bowl uneasily.


  • 艾美·劳伦斯——”那双眼睛告诉了汤姆酿成了大错,然后住了口,不知所措

    "Why, me and Amy Lawrence--" The big eyes told Tom his blunder and he stopped, confused.


  • 保险专家告诉维恩,他们承保,弗恩不知所措地眨了眨眼

    Vern blinks with uncomprehension as the Insurance Guy tells him they won't cover him.


  • 爱人会不高兴不知所措吗?

    Does your sweetheart seem grouchy and overwhelmed?


  • 是否不知所措,感觉很疲倦

    Do you feel overwhelmed and tired?


  • 各州需求增加预算减少不知所措

    States are overwhelmed by growing demand and shrinking budgets.


  • 是否曾经对你实现所有目标感到不知所措

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed by all the goals you want to accomplish?


  • 珍惜现在时刻吧因为一切造物变得不知所措

    Cherish the moments now for creation is about to be overwhelmed.


  • 珍惜现在时刻吧因为一切造物变得不知所措

    Cherish the moments now for creation is about to be overwhelmed.


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