• 生活好像陷入不知所措的境地,进退两难。

    His life seemed stuck in limbo ; he could not go forward and he could not go back.


  • 知所措的他在网上看到一则招聘医院志愿者的通知。

    Feeling at a loss, he saw a notice online looking for volunteers to work in hospitals.


  • 没有刺骨的剧痛,有的只是不知所措麻木

    There was no sharp pang, but just a bewildered numbness.


  • 第一次商店,我不知所措所有不同选择

    When I first went to the store, I was overwhelmed by all of the different choices.


  • 不过,随着信息洪流增长人们感到不知所措情况并不罕见。

    But as the torrent of information increases, it is not surprising that people feel overwhelmed.


  • 科技新事物不知所措时候,请不要嘲笑

    When I am wildered by the technology and new stuffs, lease don't laugh at me.


  • 但是对于很多新人来说这些可能令人迷惘或者不知所措

    But to those who are new to it all, it can be overwhelming and sometimes confusing.


  • 不知所措的懵懵懂懂想要依赖着的怎么可以掉。

    You are my love to be at a loss what to do, people rely on unsuspectingly, how can you go.


  • 不知所措布克老师自己眼光四处求助试图寻找一些帮助

    The teacher's be at a loss what to do with their eyes around the turn, trying to find some help.


  • 红色警报球迷反应不知所措回应,我独自配乐了。

    When Red Alert shipped and the fans responded, I was overwhelmed with the response I got from the soundtrack alone.


  • 毯子这个迷茫不知所措的孩子送到最近的医院接受治疗

    She then wrapped up the disorientated toddler in a blanket and took him to the nearest hospital for treatment.


  • 不知所措情况下,指着房间一侧问道:“琼斯小姐,认识辩护律师吗?”

    Not knowing what else to do, he pointed across the room and asked, 'Mrs. Jones, do you know the defense attorney?'


  • 7就再也上过,他如是说,小脸露出茫然不知所措的样子。

    He has not been to school since he was seven, he says, his small face a complete blank.


  • 不知所措救护车陪着进了急诊室抢救无效,她回到酒吧

    Having no idea what to do, she waits for the ambulance, accompanies it to accident and emergency and then goes back to the pub after futile efforts at resuscitation.


  • 更加令人不知所措是,20余家世界各地雷曼实体公司相互要求大量赔款

    Adding to the confusion, the 20 or so Lehman entities around the world have put in vast claims against each other.


  • 我们不知所措时候,这种情况出现我们简单的摆脱这种思维

    We've all had seasons where we felt overwhelmed, and when that happens, it's easy for our thinking to get off track.


  • 不知所措时候,他幸运听到扬声器很好听的一个声音通知行李找到

    When he was at a loss, he was lucky to hear a nice voice from a loudspeaker announcing that his lost luggage was found.


  • 所以接到电话,得知科琳不是阵亡了而是失去了一条,他种莫名地不知所措感觉。

    So when the call came, he was oddly perplexed to learn that Colleen was not in fact dead, but had only lost her leg.


  • 以往的研究发现相对老年妇女年轻的流产患者流产可能出现不知所措的反应。

    Previous studies have found that younger abortion patients may be more likely to experience difficulties coping after abortion compared to older women.


  • 把显示屏打开时,期待看见丽莎但是茫然不知所措的珊米取代丽莎出现屏幕上。

    When the little screen turned on in his VT he was expecting to see Lisa, but a lost Sammie appeared instead of Lisa.


  • 正是这个原因批评界面对残雪这一类批评文本,同样陷入一种惊愕不知所措失语中。

    It is exactly for those reasons that critical circles fall into aphasia of loss and surprise when they face Can Xue's critical text.


  • 不知所措萨尔蒙德先生坦承卡梅伦先生第一次会面令其印象深刻,并称此次会面预想要务实

    A perplexed Mr Salmond confessed to being impressed by his first meeting with Mr Cameron, saying that it was more substantive than he had expected.


  • 女儿开始一些让人不知所措问题为什么飞机坠毁,机率是多少,她要搭乘的架飞机会不会安全

    She began peppering me with unnerving questions -- like why planes crashed, how frequently, and whether I knew that this one would be safe.


  • 保持健康,因为如果觉得鼻涕了,或者睡眠不足可能会感到不知所措时候你的要求

    Keep your health strong, because if you feel the sniffles coming on, or are low on sleep, you might feel overwhelmed by the demands on you at the time.


  • “也不是,”轻描淡写回答不虞地粗鲁地打断她们的拥抱蒂推向了一不知所措小鸡

    "Not really," he replied casually. He unexpectedly and rudely placed his hand in between their embrace, and shoved Nahti onto a bewildered chicken.


  • 水下摄影新人听到诸如光圈快门或者是ISO等等术语的时候,不知所措退回使用自动模式

    When beginner underwater photographers hear terms like aperture, shutter speed or ISO they tend to freeze up and want to go back to auto mode.


  • 这个过程还是很犹豫很痛苦彷徨虽然很多画,常有不知所措的感觉,因为觉得确实很难

    During this process, I was all the way hesitant, painful and at loss. Although a lot of my works also came out during this period, I did feel like I would give up because it was really difficult.


  • 扶助一个犹太巨人埃迪•卡梅尔差不多年前她曾狭小公寓里拍摄过他高耸不知所措父母的照片。

    She befriended Eddie Carmel, a Jewish giant, for almost a decade before she photographed him towering above his bewildered parents in their cramped apartment.


  • 扶助一个犹太巨人埃迪•卡梅尔差不多年前她曾狭小公寓里拍摄过他高耸不知所措父母的照片。

    She befriended Eddie Carmel, a Jewish giant, for almost a decade before she photographed him towering above his bewildered parents in their cramped apartment.


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