Schools generally put up with the problems on the playground because they don't know how to fix them, but it turns out that rescuing recess is pretty easy.
In part, I think this stems from our levels of illiteracy and lack of social involvement; if people are unaware of what is being written about them, they're not going to dispute it.
I don't know how your story ended, but what you felt then was true love, then never too late.
I do not know XL know what I said, I will not blame the time wasted!
You said you would not get other women, so I wonder how you have go through these three years.
They don't know how to write on a SLATE without getting chalk dust all over themselves. They can't clean a SLATE properly.
I don't know what the business models will be, they may not be mass, they could be very expensive… if you ask the question how many news print products, straight news, the answer might not be so long.
Your 18)reproof I shall never forget. "Had you behaved in a more gentleman-like manner, …" You know not how those words have tortured me.
The main thing is that they don't cause hypoglycemia, but then again we don't know what the safety profile is.
I don't see how I can help being the cause of much misery to you all your life.
The brain has more memory capacity than anyone can jam into it in a lifetime but if you don't learn how to use it, you will never benefit from its full potential.
The brain has more memory capacity than anyone can jam into it in a lifetime but if you don't learn how to use it, you will never benefit from its full potential.