We do not know what they eat or why they also live with a wax scale insect.
They knew not what it was, they knew not where they were; but both of them, the man and the child, the penitent and the innocent, felt that they must kneel.
Some do not know how to look for a house for rent or how to read and negotiate a rental contract.
We must be open about what we know and what we do no know - and in a fast moving world what you do not know is often as important as what you do know.
Do you sometimes feel as if you don't know how to interest and amuse people and have conversations with them?
Be honest and transparent about what you know and don't know, and follow up on the things you don't know.
The service requester and provider are not aware the messages are flowing through the ESB and know nothing about the routing or logging in the ESB.
I remember when I didn’t know the difference between an Apple and an IBM clone/compatible computer, or know which one to buy.
米勒先生和代表债权人利益的米尔班克(Milbank)的股东丹尼斯·邓恩(Dennis Dunne,)告诉他,“你不知道这有多么复杂;你不知道这有多么难,”范伯格先生回忆道。
Mr. Miller and Dennis Dunne, a partner at Milbank who represents creditors, told him, “You don’t know how complicated this is; you don’t know how difficult it is,” Mr. Feinberg recalls.
I didn't know I would start drawing crude pictures and cartoons.I didn't know I would start writing poems.I didn't know people would actually bother to read it and leave comments.
Rentzenbrink says she does not know its Amazon discount, or if there's a significant ebook and audiobook sale. (Those figures are closely guarded.)
The economist JK Galbraith observed, forecasters typically come in two kinds: those who don't know and those who don't know they don't know.
有些人不知道如何寻找出租的房屋,也不知道如何阅读和磋商租住合同。 节。
Some do not know how to look for a house for rent or how to read and negotiate a rentalcontract.
The president of Harvard seems not to have known of shakespeare and Ben Jonson, or-more surprisingly-of Bunyan.
It is in man as in soils, where sometimes there is a vein of old which the owner knows not of.
I didn't know it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.
Egg and tomato is one of the most common Chinese dishes, but I never knew that you could get egg and tomato dumplings.
I do not know, really did not know, had the naive and lovable now I can not see his face has been, emerged from the heart of a tired and injured.
Thousands of men and women live and die without knowing the difference between a beech and an elm, between the song of a thrush and the song of a blackbird.
Even the most knowledgable, most intelligent person have there own fade zone and STH that they don't understood.
我不知道吸烟会对心脏和肺部产生严重的危害,也不知道这会让吸烟的夫妇难以怀孕。 语境。
I didn't know, for example, that it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.
I didn't know I would start drawing crude pictures and cartoons. I didn't know I would start writing poems. I didn't know people would actually bother to read it and leave comments.
'no, Sir, I don't know that, but I know why he was waiting at the gate he was going to meet a woman.'
For those who don't know (or don't remember), ACID is an acronym standing for atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. These are fundamental principles used to reason about data systems.
I didn't know, for example, that it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant.
Most here in a "do not know do not know" and "know that they do not know" stage, especially the latter, often causing confusion, the source of confusion and depressed.
Most here in a "do not know do not know" and "know that they do not know" stage, especially the latter, often causing confusion, the source of confusion and depressed.