• 现在结构分析中应用确定性模型主要有随机模型模糊模型模型以及区间模型

    There are several mathematical models in present researches or applications about uncertain structural analysis, such as stochastic model, fuzzy model, convex model and interval one etc.


  • 同时本文把得到结论通过形式转换应用研究具有多面体不确定性模型时滞系统稳定性性能

    Meanwhile, by transforming the proposed condition, this conclusion also is applied to the study on the stability performance of the time-delay system with polytopic uncertainty.


  • 通过交叉相遇局面拖网渔船行为实际调查应用信息熵理论,建立了避碰行为不确定性模型

    Based on the investigation of single-trawling vessel collision avoidance action, the uncertainty models of action are set up by using entropy theory.


  • 被控对象模型中的确定性进行了针对设计主要考虑的输入延时高频建模动态,建立非结构化乘不确定性模型

    The uncertainty of the controlled object modeling was analyzed. As for the time delay and high frequency no modeling considered in design, the uncertainty modeling of non structure was found.


  • 传统确定性模型取得好的效果但是由于约束条件的随机性模糊性需要应用确定性模型更准确地描述和给出最优

    The traditional certain models obtain some good results, but the vendor constraints are so stochastic and fuzzy that it needs uncertain models to describe and solve the problem.


  • 我们知道气候模型在为世界农业预测气候方面具有确定性,它存在着潜在地灾难性可能性

    We know that climate models predict a much more uncertain climate for world agriculture, with potentially devastating down-side possibilities.


  • 虽然雅各布森模型自己的实验结果仍有很大确定性,但拉马·纳坦排除全球变暖第二大因素。”

    While the uncertainty in the results from Jacobson's model and his own experiments is large, Ramanathan said he "wouldn't rule out that black carbon is the second-largest global warmer."


  • 由于抽样变异性模型选择所引起不确定性展示疾病负担结果时候予以说明。

    The uncertainty owing to both the sampling variability and the choice of model (s) should be given when disease burden results are presented.


  • 敏感性分析一种可以决定价值模型输入哪些不确定性输出——软件产品价值——产生最大影响

    Sensitivity Analysis is a technique that can determine which uncertainties in the inputs to a value model will produce the greatest effects on outputsoftware product value.


  • 最近许多气候模型研究者2100预测翻番就是这种不确定性一种表现;知道将来又来有什么调整呢。

    The recent doubling of many modelers' predictions for 2100 is itself an illustration of the scope of that uncertainty; who knows what revisions may occur in the years ahead.


  • 抽样变异性仅仅解释了模型估测整个不确定性一部分

    Sampling variability explains only a portion of the overall uncertainty in a modelled estimate.


  • 贝叶斯模型平均用来综合模型结果提供一种反映模型选择抽样变异性不确定性度量

    Bayesian model averaging was used to combine the results across models and to provide a measure of uncertainty that reflects the choice of model and the sampling variability.


  • 量化不确定性然后其融入模型中去正是科学量化的方法,停留在定性的层面上。

    Being able to quantify uncertainty, and incorporate it into models, is what makes science quantitative, rather than qualitative.


  • 此外,据气候模型预测,今后几十年中,气候不确定性将大为增强

    And climate models predict a much more uncertain climate in the next several decades.


  • “对气候影响的灵敏度”的发现加入他们的模型中后,新模型使这个国际小组预测气候的时候,就减少一些不确定性

    By incorporating this newly discovered "climate insensitivity" into their models, the international team was able to reduce uncertainty in its future climate projections.


  • 模型不确定性导致其结果只能科学家一个大致估计南极东部冰盖的消融速度介于每年50亿1090亿吨之间

    Uncertainties in the model gave the scientists only a broad estimate of ice loss in the East Antarctic ice sheet of between 5bn and 109bn tonnes a year.


  • 同时由于一些状态估计估计效果差,采用简化状态方程进行对准,存在着模型参数确定性

    Meanwhile, as some states can not be estimated or have poor estimation, the simplified state equation employed in the alignment process will cause model parameter uncertainty.


  • 迄今为止,很少较为实用模型用以建立解决模糊性不确定性决策问题专家系统

    There are few practical models for constructing the expert systems to solve fuzzy and uncertainty decision problems up to date.


  • 最后通过实证分析说明顾客满意度测评模型构建方法以及验证不确定性情况测评方法实际应用适用性。

    Finally, using the case analysis, it illustrates the construction of the customer satisfaction assessing models and the applicability of the assessing method under the uncertainty cases.


  • 实际油藏构造流动机理模糊性不确定性使得传统模型算法无法或者很难描述和求解。

    The ambiguity and uncertainty of reservoir actual structure and fluid flow mechanics make it difficult for conventional modeling and algorithms to describe and solve.


  • 并且设计了一个主体协商模型减少承诺不确定性

    Meanwhile, a model of agent negotiation is designed to decrease uncertainties of commitments.


  • 贝叶斯网络不确定性环境下有效知识表示方式概率推理模型,是流行的图形决策化分析工具

    Bayesian Networks is a model that efficiently represents knowledge and probabilistic inference and is a popular graphics decision-making analysis tool.


  • 分析R&D项目技术市场不确定性分布特征基础上,提出步骤四项式期权定价模型,用于R&D项目进展评估。

    Besed on the analysis of technology and market uncertainty of R&D project, a multi-step quadranomial option pricing model is presented for valuing an ongoing R&D project.


  • 为了表达情感认知固有不确定性模型中用到了模糊表达

    Fuzzy representation is used to capture the inherent uncertainty of emotions and cognition.


  • 本文希望通过CRRALADA三种效用模型比较分析,对“不确定性投资决策问题研究提供有益思路

    By the comparative analysis of three utility models: CRRA, LA and DA, this paper tries to provide a helpful insight into the studies of investment decision problems under uncertainty.


  • 提出了一个考虑组合刚度不确定性船舶坐墩支配置优化设计数学模型

    In this paper, a mathematical model is proposed for optimizing the block placement during ship docking in consideration of uncertain combined stiffness of blocks.


  • 提出了一个考虑组合刚度不确定性船舶坐墩支配置优化设计数学模型

    In this paper, a mathematical model is proposed for optimizing the block placement during ship docking in consideration of uncertain combined stiffness of blocks.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定