If you suspect that someone is following you, by foot or in a car, don't go home.
"My parents said if I fail to have a boyfriend by Spring Festival, I had better not come home, " said Ms. Zhou.
Don't go home, sleep under desk, do your own research, to find out the things by yourself.
After a briefing early Sunday, he warned local residents who evacuated to stay away until local officials say it is safe to return.
And we begged her not to go. But she forgot her medication. And she staggered out the door into the snow.
Tell her that you clearly need to get home and ask her to wait outside while you clean up (spare her from looking at your puke).
You know, honey, sad, want to go home, to call me, to say, don't boring around in my heart.
"Don't get me wrong, it's great we have all these tournaments but I can't wait to get home to be honest," said Carter.
Compose yourself as best as you can. Tell her that you clearly need to get home and ask her to wait outside while you clean up (spare her from looking at your puke).
Compose yourself as best as you can. Tell her that you clearly need to get home and ask her to wait outside while you clean up (spare her from looking at your puke).