• 临近2月初农历新年欢庆有关活动增加进一步发生人间病例危险

    Activities associated with the approach of the Lunar New Year festivities in early February may also increase the risk of further human cases.


  • 大量患者融合术已经临近节段退关节突关节病理改变相关联

    Summary of Background Data. Fusion procedures have been associated with adjacent level morbidities and facet joint pathologies in a considerable number of patients.


  • 目的:研究旋动脉临近结构位置关系临床应用提供解剖学依据

    Objective:To observe the relationships of deep iliac circumflex artery and its adjacent structures and provide basis for clinical surgery.


  • 此前外墙抹灰拼接混凝土筑成,小小的开窗临近的后街隔开。

    The former building closed itself off from the street behind with rendered and tiled concrete walls and tiny Windows.


  • 对面安娜临近对面的建筑体风格连续,形成了坚实构造建筑互不雷同。

    Opposite St Anna, continuity with the adjoining and opposite developments has been achieved with a solid tectonic building, without imitation.


  • 注意细微差别尤其是切线标示出圆角临近面的连接处,还有在那里反射光如何被打断的。

    Please pay attention to the subtle differences, particularly the Tangential line marking the fillet's point of contact with its adjacent surface, and how the reflections break there as well.


  • 定义了砖块放射性排列中心构件。规模纹理上,砖块临近房屋和郊区环境融合得更加完善。”他们补充说道

    "It defines the centre piece of the radiating arrangement of brick masses which relate in scale and grain to the neighbouring houses and suburban condition," they added.


  • 随着二零一一年纽约春夏时装临近,英国时尚界的标杆性人物——维多利亚-贝克汉姆的一举一动又能为了时尚圈内人媒体关注的焦点所在

    As New York Fashion Week approaches, it’s British style maven Victoria Beckham that seems to be at the forefront of many fashionistasminds.


  • 土耳其岌岌可危的另一物种东方”(Aquilahelica),按照国际自然自然保护联盟的说法,东方帝鹰在临近希腊已经停止繁衍

    Another species at risk in Turkey is the eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca), which according to the IUCN has already stopped breeding in nearby Greece.


  • 方案包括一条新的轻轨交通,连接圣迭戈北面OceansideEscondido以及其他临近区域。

    A new light-rail route, for example, will link the city of Oceanside, to the north of San Diego, with Escondido and other nearby communities.


  • 比赛临近结束时,佩德罗本可能扩大比分,但是却丧失二过托雷斯传接机会,被弗雷德里希阻挡(托雷斯当场捶胸顿足——译注)。

    Pedro could have ensured a bigger margin of victory in the closing stages but he allowed Arne Friedrich to dispossess him after bursting through in a two-on-one with substitute Torres.


  • 随着世界杯日益临近球迷们渐趋白热化的期望值成正比球员们所感受的压力

    With the World Cup now just three days away, the pressure on the players is only growing as fans' anticipation reaches fever pitch.


  • 临近位置大小指示歪斜程度,右歪泄表示。

    The position and size of the upper adajacent value is an indicator of skew, in particular right-skew.


  • 临近萨拉热窝格巴维察处在当时大战前线地带。它见证了波斯尼亚塞尔维亚两军的激烈交火。

    Grbavica, a neighborhood of Sarajevo, was a front line during the war and saw heavy fighting between Serbian and Bosnian forces.


  • 不过这份最新的专利中所描述临近检测技术则可以感应出手指之间间隔距离可以感应出尚未接触屏幕的手指在屏幕坐标上的投影坐标位置。

    The latest patent describes proximity detection systems that can determine the distance between a finger and a display, along with its x and y coordinates above the interface.


  • 一种很受人关注西方学院派观点认为:现如今武装到牙齿的美军正驻扎临近伊拉克阿富汗

    Today the armed forces of a hostile America are encamped in neighbouring Iraq and Afghanistan.


  • 我们临近可以看出(范围为0.030.11),临近相比短(它的范围为0.20到0.33)。

    As we can see the lower adjacent value (which ranges from 0.03 to 0.11 seconds) this value is much shorter than the upper adjacent value (which ranges from 0.20 to 0.33) seconds.


  • 听着如果专心这个女人约会6个月临近生日时候……给她礼物,然后告诉她很乐意一起共度时光,这样做合情合理的。

    Look, if you've been dating a woman exclusively for six months, and her birthday comes... it's ok to buy her a gift and tell her that you like spending time with her.


  • Againye村庄坐落临近噶麦隆交界群山脚下。那些山冈挤挤挨挨,仿若在打群架

    Againye's village stood at the foot of a series of hills that punched up into mountains at the nearby border with Cameroon.


  • 一种利用高空风速控制飞行轨迹新型低能耗临近空间飞行器进行力学分析配平计算

    The mechanical analysis and the trimming were performed for a novel near space aircraft which uses the variation in wind speed at high altitude to control its flight path.


  • 加利福尼亚州临近佩尔布洛瑟姆羚羊闪电彩虹齐飞,蓝天暮色呼应。 最近,南加州遭遇更加极端的酷热,同时受到雷雨电击的威胁,很有可能引发更多沙漠森林大火

    Southern California faces more ferocious heat coupled to the threat of thunderstorms and lightning strikes that could ignite more desert wildfires.


  • 现在黑暗森林最后战斗渐渐临近他们不仅需要改变火星,而且雷族甚至是星族寻求帮助

    Now, as the final battle against the Dark Forest draws ever nearer, they must turn not only to Firestar, but also to ThunderClan and even StarClan for help.


  • 科技共存像是沿着刀刃攀登,越临近顶点就越狭窄

    Living with technology is like climbing a mountain along a knife-edge which Narrows as it nears the summit.


  • 相反:最近项研究显示临近大选几个月,税法执行力度会下降,因为在位官员可不想惹怒选民赞助人

    On the contrary: a recent study showed that enforcement of the tax laws loosened in the months leading up to elections, because incumbents didn't want to annoy voters and contributors.


  • 相反:最近项研究显示临近大选几个月,税法执行力度会下降,因为在位官员可不想惹怒选民赞助人

    On the contrary: a recent study showed that enforcement of the tax laws loosened in the months leading up to elections, because incumbents didn't want to annoy voters and contributors.


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