• 学好英语有助于我们其他更好地交流

    Learning English well helps us communicate with other people better.


  • 过去之间存在一条鸿沟一样,其他之间,也存在着一道深渊

    Like the gulf between me and the past, there is an abyss between you, Edmond, and the rest of mankind;


  • 其他相比老年可能拥有自己房子,他们的流动性租房小,因为后者可能转移新的就业市场

    Compared with the rest of the population, older people are also more likely to own their own homes and be less mobile than renters, who can move to new job markets.


  • 就说明,一旦一个士兵受伤了其他帮助不再了。

    This lays down that once a soldier is wounded he and everyone else who comes to his help ceases to be an enemy.


  • 怀纳卡帕克就这里大堂招待宾客朝臣其他最爱赌博,同时,女王则打理花园,饲养鸽子

    Here Huayna Capac entertained guests in the great halls and gambled with courtiers and other favorites, while his queen gardened and tended doves.


  • 些独自生活的可以在跳舞时与其他交流。

    Those who live alone can communicate with other people while dancing.


  • 我们别的出去约会从不会去妒忌但是发现身体上很难与其亲密关系

    We both went out with other people and there was never any jealousy, although I found it hard to be physically intimate with anyone else.


  • 其他类别恐惧相比自我怀疑那些设法克服来说还是一定积极作用的。

    As with other kinds of fear, there are positive aspects of doubt for those who manage to overcome it.


  • 其他消化系统疾病不同,程恩华每天都要吃大餐

    Unlike other people who have digestive system diseases, Cheng eats big meals every day.


  • 其他排队不同是,他还在不断环顾四周,查看有没有什么不妥的地方。

    Unlike the rest of the people in line, Freeman scans the room looking for anything out of place.


  • 重要亚当其他苦于寻找亲密情感又有多大的不同呢?

    And more important, is Adam so different than any other person struggling to find emotional intimacy?


  • 所以玉米与其商量价格,从而使那些了解得到玉米要花费多大价值

    So the corn maker then negotiates a deal with others so that they get an idea of what kind of value it takes to get it from him.


  • 此外斯里赫里发现不出吃食鼻涕与其他区别,可是他们忽视了吃鼻涕的为了什么去吃

    Moreover, he and Srihari found nothing to distinguish the bogey-eaters from the others, and they neglected to ask them why they did it.


  • 莱兹宣称哈斯商学院培养其他商学院众不同才而享有盛名。

    Haas already has a reputation for producing a different sort of MBA from other elite schools', Mr Lyons claims.


  • 更重要他们通常忽略考虑合伙观点,从而会偏向于使这些其他可能他们更多合作机会进行合作。

    What is more, failure to consider the perspectives of such partners will potentially predispose them to work with other vendors with whom they will have better opportunities for collaboration.


  • 如果公园经过某个身体残障这个友好说话,跟你其他社会成员说话的方式一样

    If you pass someone in the park who is physically disabled, speak to the person in a friendly manner in the same way that you might with any other community member.


  • 研究发现离了密集社会关系网络并且可能其他离了婚的再婚。

    It also found that "divorcees have denser social networks and are much more likely to remarry other divorcees".


  • 发言而言,“他们生活本质是”,“他们言行一致并且充满敬意地其他感觉上更倾向聆听相互尊重分享他们给予的”。

    Speakers "Live what they Love", "Practice what they Preach" and respectfully "Share what they have to Give" with others who feel inclined to listen with reciprocal respect.


  • 另外名字欢迎的青少年容易犯罪一个原因他们周围的区别对待,这他们更难与其他建立良好的关系。

    Also, adolescents with unpopular names may be more prone to crime because they are treated differently by their peers, making it more difficult for them to form relationships.


  • 由于买票容易飞机票价其他项目更优惠一些高价吓阻的可以承受赛马会的费用了。

    But because tickets were more available, and air fares and other things were cheaper, some people were able to afford the Derby who would otherwise have been priced out.


  • 我们其他早起跑步用常用的“早上道了问候

    We exchanged customary greetings of good morning with other early joggers.


  • 我们正在扩大拥有这些少数精英与其他差距这里属于那些少数精英,我们从未意识其中的差异

    And we're increasing the gap between the samll elite that has this, and the people here are part of that small elite, never knows, we can't even see the difference.


  • 火花——这一功能可以使用户其他自己有相似爱好交流。

    Sparks - a feature that connects individuals on the network to others with common interests.


  • 美一项研究指出,经常补充维生素肺癌几率与其他一样高,服用维生素E甚至可能增加风险

    People who take vitamin supplements are just as likely as those who don't to develop lung cancer, and vitamin E supplements may slightly raise the risk, researchers said.


  • 第二世界大战末期1980年,金融业从业其他行业相同资历员,平均所获薪酬一样多。

    From the end of the Second World War until 1980 or thereabouts, people working in finance earned about the same, on average and taking account of their qualifications, as people in other industries.


  • 非常遗憾的是这份报告没有包含18岁以下数据我们猜测这一年龄段在手机上电脑上观看视频的时间数据与其他年龄阶段的完全不同

    Sadly, the report does not include data for users under 18. Our suspicion is that the numbers for online and mobile video viewing might be quite different for this demographic.


  • 非常遗憾的是这份报告没有包含18岁以下数据我们猜测这一年龄段在手机上电脑上观看视频的时间数据与其他年龄阶段的完全不同

    Sadly, the report does not include data for users under 18. Our suspicion is that the numbers for online and mobile video viewing might be quite different for this demographic.


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