• 阿里巴巴举措无疑加剧雅虎公司紧张关系,甚至预示着未来雅虎公司对于阿里巴巴的合作价值会贬值,至少运营作用上长期以来所依仗的搜索业务有可能被阿里巴巴逐步“偏移”。

    The move, which comes amid heightened tensions between Alibaba and Yahoo, could further reduce Yahoo's role in Alibaba's operations.


  • 去年公司放弃雅虎拟议广告协议因为美国司法部提起垄断诉讼阻止交易

    Last year, the company abandoned a proposed advertising pact with Yahoo when the Justice Department said it would file an antitrust lawsuit to block the deal.


  • 这样的话,诸如业界领头羊谷歌之相匹敌雅虎之类的网络公司就可以将广告附在网络搜索结果页的旁边

    This enables internet firms such as Google, the market leader, and Yahoo!, its smaller rival, to display advertisements alongside the results of internet searches.


  • 雅虎中国相关负责人4公司未来业务重点生活服务的电子商务化,非核心的业务逐步淡化下线。

    A source with cn.yahoo.com Sunday said the company will focus on the e-commercialized life service sector, and its non-core operations will fade out slowly. He said 3721.com, also called Yahoo!


  • 与雅虎领导层合作过一位顾问,“这家公司审议任何东西流程,效率都非常低下。”

    The firm has a “relatively constipated process of reviewing anything, ” he says.


  • 公司计划雅虎日本联手挖掘年龄大些的客户群

    Plans to branch out to older customers in alliance with Yahoo Japan.


  • 这家位于西雅图软件公司重启谈判一事,雅虎方面则更多地保持缄默,特别是鲍尔默挖走了他们一些最有价值员工之后。

    Yahoo has been more reticent over restarting discussions with the Seattle-based software company - particularly after Ballmer poached a number of the company's most valued staff members.


  • 公司雅虎惠普世界上所大学合作,宣布了自己的“计算项目

    You have just announced your own "cloud computing" venture with Yahoo!, Hewlett Packard and three universities worldwide.


  • 当时几乎人人都认为未来掌握在那些企业新秀手中,雅虎公司——1998年年底的时候,雅虎市值波音公司旗鼓相当,但雅虎只有637名员工,而波音竟有230,000名。

    Everyone agreed that the future lay with entrepreneurial start-ups such as Yahoo! -which in late 1998 had the same market capitalisation with 637 employees as Boeing with 230, 000.


  • 雅虎日前宣布CitizenSports公司达成收购协议,该公司目前众多社交网站手机平台开发体育相关应用程序

    Yahoo announced that it has agreed to buy Citizen sports, a company that develops sports-related applications for social networking sites and mobile devices.


  • 但是Google打交道18个月时间里,开始明白了Google雅虎完全不同公司

    But within the first 18 months to two years of being associated with Google, I began to understand this was a very different company than Yahoo.


  • 雅虎的搜索已经非常巨大了:通过市场调查公司comscore公司的数据,十月份网站美国已经有158m绝对造访人次,之对比时代华纳 98m的造访人次。

    Yahoo!’s reach is already enormous: in October, its sites had 158m unique visitors in America, compared with 98m for AOL, according to comScore, a market-research firm.


  • 此外现金三大公司市值12%份额,美国互联网巨头雅虎公司YahooeBay公司比例旗鼓相当。

    What's more, cash accounts for about 12% of the total market cap for all three, rivaling the proportion of US internet companies like Yahoo (YHOO) and eBay (EBAY).


  • MSN雅虎两者都曾购买AOL全部部分股份,这是一家媒体巨人华纳士旗下的大型但是有点小问题的网络接入公司

    MSN and Yahoo! Both wanted to buy some or all of AOL, a big, troubled internet-access company owned by time.


  • 上周二,雅虎公司(Yahoo)CEO卡罗尔•巴茨美国银行(BankofAmerica财富管理主管萨莉•克切克双双遭遇解雇,《财富》杂志(Fortune)具影响力商界女性(Most Powerful Women)榜单遭受双重打击

    It was a double hit to Fortune's Most Powerful Women list last Tuesday when YahooCEO Carol Bartz and Bank of America's (BAC) Sallie Krawcheck got fired.


  • 美国司法部(JusticeDepartment)声称阻止[gm 66nd]雅虎交易,两公司去年11月放弃这项交易。

    The deal was abandoned in November after the Justice Department said it would attempt to block it.


  • 所有的人都认为未来掌握诸如雅虎之类的创业型企业手里,雅虎于1998年末员工总数637人,资产总额当时员工总数23万人的波音公司相同

    Everyone agreed that the future lay with entrepreneurial start-ups such as Yahoo! -which in late 1998 had the same market capitalisation with 637 employees as Boeing with 230,000.


  • 正如《华尔街日报》的所言,一旦收购成功,谷歌可以获得雅虎“美国广播公司新闻网(ABCNews)等所谓的优质内容提供商”之间长期合作关系

    As the WSJ notes, Google (GOOG) would then have access to Yahoo's longstanding relationships with "so-called premium-content publishers like ABC News."


  • 雅虎不引起华尔街注意的情况下解决此事当然可以理解因为投资者关注的雅虎公司产生丰厚利润的亚洲资产相关危机。

    Yahoo's interest in getting the issue off Wall Street's radar makes sense, of course, since investors are focused on Yahoo's trouble related to its lucrative Asian assets.


  • 公司鼓励用户修改雅虎账户关联密码以及与雅虎邮箱账户绑定任何数字账户的密码。

    The company encouraged its users to change passwords associated with their Yahoo account and any other digital accounts tied to their Yahoo email and account.


  • 协议涉及美国加拿大市场惠普电脑明年一月生效取代惠普公司原来雅虎类似协议。

    The agreement, which takes effect next January for new PCs in the United States and Canada, displaces a similar one H. P. has with Yahoo.


  • 美国国际公司雅虎宣布科技巨头微软进行长期等待合作之后,雅虎股价当天下跌12%。

    Shares of the American Internet company Yahoo have fallen 12% on the day the firm announced a long-awaited partnership with the technology giant Microsoft.


  • 雅虎份声明中表示公司愿意保护艺术品保持艺术家们关系

    In a statement, Yahoo said it is committed to preserving both its art and its relationships with artists.


  • 协议涉及美国加拿大市场惠普电脑明年一月生效取代惠普公司原来雅虎类似协议。

    The agreement, which takes effect next January for new PCs in the United States and Canada, displaces a similar one H. P. has with.


  • 这种伙伴关系不能阻止微软公司的合并,但是可以使雅虎谈判中获得更高的合并价格

    Such a partnership would not preclude a deal with Microsoft, but may give Yahoo leverage to negotiate a higher offer.


  • 目前清楚雅虎公司股东会乐意处理当前价格,更遑论在价格还要

    It is not clear that Yahoo shareholders would be happy with a deal at the current price, let alone at a price that is even lower.


  • 我会告诉是怎样公司雅虎的,但是一天你会知道,安迪收看这个课程,因为我飞去雅虎总部他们会面,尽能说服他们我们合作

    I'll tell you how we sell to Yahoo but I hope that someday you know Andy Artinton watches this video and laughs because I flied to Yahoo to meet them and convince them they should work with us.


  • 我会告诉是怎样公司雅虎的,但是一天你会知道,安迪收看这个课程,因为我飞去雅虎总部他们会面,尽能说服他们我们合作

    I'll tell you how we sell to Yahoo but I hope that someday you know Andy Artinton watches this video and laughs because I flied to Yahoo to meet them and convince them they should work with us.


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