• 遇到努力工作或者专注工作同事求之不得的事情。

    Well, it's great to be part of a successful team. I don't think you could wish for hard-working or more dedicated colleagues.


  • 专注工作同时,如果旁人在场他们来说是一种很需要的激励

    They should be encouraged to work on their projects in the presence of others, but to remain focused on what they're doing.


  • 哈里斯认为自己从培训中学到了专注工作结果面对资深主管时要自信

    Since then, Harris says, he has learned to focus on results and approach more experienced executives with confidence.


  • 首先专注工作智能而不是建立最好工作流程实践尽可能高效

    First, you'll focus on working smart, not hard, and set up the best workflows and practices in order to be as efficient as possible.


  • 随身携带公文包同事老板留下一个专注工作印象,即使里面什么也没有

    Toting a briefcase with you gives your colleagues and boss the impression you're concentrating on your job, even if there's nothing inside it.


  • 它们裁剪为适用数据库XMLschemasWeb服务它们令能够专注于工作重要方面隐藏不必要的细节

    They are tailored to working with databases, XML schemas, and Web services, yet they enable you to focus on the important aspects of your work and hide unnecessary details.


  • 打赌布伦达高兴一切都结束了,可以专注婚礼准备工作

    I bet Brenda is glad it's done with, and she can focus on wedding preparations.


  • 员工他们时间花在分享谣言互相提供精神支持上,不是专注自己工作工作效率往往会受到影响

    Productivity often suffers, as employees spend their time sharing rumours and providing one another with moral support rather than focusing on their jobs.


  • 一旦这么做,你更好专注工作发烧只是使你有些不便罢了

    Once you do, you'll be able to concentrate on your work better while your fever will be nothing more than a mere inconvenience.


  • 过去几个月里我沉浸学习语言中的经历让变得更加有耐心并且开始专注获得其中的乐趣而不是工作

    In the last few months of immersing myself in language learning I've grown more patient and started focusing on having fun instead of working myself to death.


  • 事实上经济学家们正在自问什么他们最近工作中学到的以及接下来整个学界应该专注什么。

    Economists are asking themselves what, in fact, they've learned from their recent work and what the profession ought to focus on moving forward.


  • 届时,成为第一进入太空人形机器人,负责处理‘家庭’杂务,以便宇航员专注自己的专业工作

    That will be the first humanoid robot in space and will deal with the housekeeping chores so the astronauts can focus on their work.


  • 不同的人对天气都有不同看法与其抱怨天气,不如采取措施自己更舒适这样就能专注工作

    Not everybody is going to agree on the perfect temperature. Instead of complaining about the mercury, take steps to address your personal comfort so you can concentrate on work.


  • 不要在意别人如何工作专注带来独特观点

    Instead of agonizing about what others might think of you or your work, concentrate on the unique perspective you bring.


  • 管道允许实用程序专注自己工作不是去关注旁枝末节。

    A pipeline lets a utility focus on doing its job, and nothing else.


  • 总的来说,这个功能保证团队工作有良好结构专注共同目标

    In summary it is the function that ensures that the work of the team is structured and focused towards common objectives.


  • 所有精力技巧专注承诺工作上。

    Focus all your efforts and skills on doing the work that you've committed to doing.


  • 为了专注手头工作甚至暂时性网线拔掉

    I'd even go as far as turning off the Internet for a period of time, to focus on offline work.


  • SpringIDE团队现在正在专注WebFlow2配套软件的工作

    The Spring IDE team is currently working on dedicated Web Flow 2 support.


  • 因为史蒂文·乔布斯以及苹果公司的提供的机会让我12年间每天得以专注富有意义的工作

    And because of Steve Jobs and Apple who have provided me the opportunity to engage in truly meaningful work every day for over 12 years.


  • 需要完全专注工作并且能够完全驾驭有效时间管理

    You need to be perfectly focused on your tasks and have no problem with effective time management.


  • 但是努力地工作专注于工作可能有助战胜分手后开始压力

    But working harder and concentrating only on the job might well help to overcome the initial stress of the breakup.


  • 如果工作团队选择专注没有多少价值工作那这像是在往对手的口袋里送。那么就是失败。

    If your management team chooses to focus on work that doesn't create value, that's like sending cash directly to your competitors, and you have failed.


  • 如果学会辨认跟踪大脑状态,你可以思维清醒专注重要脑力工作,当创造性洞察遇到难题,就要反道而行了。

    If you learn to recognize and track your mental state, you can concentrate on important mental tasks when your mind is most "awake". For creative insight into a problem, do the opposite.


  • 而且他们必须能咬定青山不放松,专注自己的工作一周接一周的,每周工作6070小时

    And they must have a one-track mind and the obsession to work 60 or 70 hours week in, week out.


  • 访谈类剧集卡通动作片更难出口,所以一个为什么大型工作专注这些原因

    Talky dramas are harder to export than cartoons or action flicks, which is partly why the major studios now concentrate on such things.


  • 整个世界银行集团许多员工专心致志专业精神心存感激他们最近争议继续专注于工作

    I am also grateful for the dedicated professionalism of the many staff throughout the World Bank Group who have stayed focused on their work during the recent controversy.


  • 选择脚踏实地工作专注公司的运营,专注于提升用户体验一切我都做到了。

    So I put my head down and focused on operation technology, focused on the user's experience, and I delivered.


  • 选择脚踏实地工作专注公司的运营,专注于提升用户体验一切我都做到了。

    So I put my head down and focused on operation technology, focused on the user's experience, and I delivered.


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