• 世纪之交以后,就过着和土著人一样生活

    From the turn of the century onward, she shared the life of the aborigines.


  • 保存虚假声明记录学校这种做法至少可以追溯到世纪之交——不管怎么说,他们开始保存记录的时候

    One school that keeps records of false claims says that the practice dates back at least to the turn of the century—that's when they began keeping records, anyhow.


  • 描绘只巨大蜘蛛吞食蜂鸟画面,可能符合淑女形象,令人惊讶的是梅里安18世纪之交这样做的时候,没有人对此提出反对

    It may not have been ladylike to depict a giant spider devouring a hummingbird, but when Merian did it at the turn of the 18th century, surprisingly, nobody objected.


  • 他们不仅开发这样一种设备而且世纪之交,他们成功地将其嵌入每天数十亿访问全球系统

    Not only did they develop such a device but by the turn of the millennium they had also managed to embed it in a worldwide system accessed by billions of people every day.


  • 意大利人和爱尔兰人一样,大多数有色人种二十世纪之交移民皮埃蒙特,并1888年开业造纸厂工作

    Like the Italians and the Irish, most of the colored people migrated to Piedmont at the turn of the 20th century to work at the paper mill, which opened in 1888.


  • 到了世纪之交GDI限制越来越显现

    Around the turn of the century, the limitations of GDI became more apparent.


  • 世纪之交知识经济时代来临呼之欲出。

    At the turning point of this century, Knowledge Economy times is approaching.


  • 知道问题我们处在世纪之交千年虫让我们担忧

    The problem, you see, is that we are now at the turn of the century. We're worried about the millennium bug.


  • 罗素·赫尔曼·康威尔世纪之交有趣美国人之一。

    One of the most interesting Americans alive around the turn of the century, was a man by the name of Russell Herman Conwell.


  • 世纪之交收购学习使用L2文献研究

    At the turn of the century acquisition and learning are used interchangeably in the literature of L2 research.


  • 世纪之交心理学面临来自内外两个方面挑战

    At the turn of the centuries, psychology is faced with a challenge that comes from both internal and external aspects.


  • 有时,差距接近2000年,经历世纪之交恐惧利率差。

    At times, the gap was almost as wide as during the Y2K fears at the turn of the century.


  • 剑桥年夜学中国交游历史,世纪之交就起头

    This university began its contacts with China as early as the beginning of the last century.


  • 这个美丽的公寓结合了世纪之交现代装饰设计1896年。

    This beautiful apartment combines modern decor with turn of the century 1896 designing.


  • 这些数据表明最热15年中,14年出现在世纪之交之后

    The figures mean 14 of the 15 warmest years on record have occurred since the turn of the century.


  • 世纪之交的宝贵机遇巨大挑战被推历史前台年轻人

    Turn of the century a valuable opportunity and great challenge will be to young people pushed to the foreground of history.


  • 本文结合世纪之交出现少年写作现象,阐述少年写作走红市场原因

    This paper talks about teenagers writing phenomenon at the turn of centuries and the market cause of teenager writers popularity.


  • 影片中罗伯特安吉尔阿尔弗雷德伯顿世纪之交对手舞台魔术师伦敦

    The story follows Robert Angier and Alfred Borden , rival stage magicians in turn of the century London.


  • 本次亚欧外长会议适逢世纪之交,会议中心任务2000年亚欧首脑会议准备

    The central task of this ASEM Foreign Ministers' Meeting, which coincides with the turn of the century, is to make preparations for the 3rd ASEM Summit Meeting to be held in this year 2000.


  • 时代》杂志最近世纪之交英语将会成为世界四分之一人口通用语言。

    Time magazine recently suggested that by the turn of the millennium, English will be the Lingua Franca for one quarter of the world’s population.


  • 世纪之交电池驱动汽车成为城市里街道景,因为它们行驶安静而且排放有毒烟气

    At the turn of the century battery-powered vehicles were a common sight on city streets, because they were quiet and did not emit any noxious fumes.


  • 世纪之交特殊时期,作为传统文学写作研究也出现了若干值得人们关注的新问题

    At the turn of the centuries, some issues that merit attention occurred in traditional literary writing and studies.


  • 虽然一种单一欧洲货币也许世纪之交出现,但是可以兑换亚洲货币继续成熟起来

    While a single European currency will appear at the turn of the century, the Asian currencies that are freely convertible will continue to mature.


  • 世纪之交时候,大概1999年或者2000年的8月库尔斯克淹没整个世界都会为之流泪。

    At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it.


  • 世纪之交时候,大概1999年或者2000年的8月库尔斯克淹没整个世界都会为之流泪。

    At the turn of the century, in August of 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be covered with water, and the whole world will be weeping over it.


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