• 这项条约规定世纪末美国必须撤走基地

    The treaty provides that, by the end of the century, the United States must have removed its bases.


  • 发生上个世纪末确切地说,发生在1895年。

    It happened late last centuryin 1895 to be exact.


  • 远看,到下个世纪末世界人口预期达到一百亿左右

    Looking still further ahead, by the end of the next century world population is expected to be about ten billion.


  • 十九世纪末农活生活过去相比没有太大变化

    In the late nineteen century, farm work and life were not much changed from that they had been in the old days.


  • 世纪实现工农业总产值增四倍目标完全可能的。

    It is entirely possible to achieve the goal of quadrupling the gross annual value of industrial and agricultural production by the end of the century.


  • 一项新的研究显示,最晚到世纪全球海洋气候变暖而变得更、更绿

    By the end of the century, if not sooner, the world's oceans will be bluer and greener thanks to a warming climate, according to a new study.


  • 他们世纪之前无人驾驶宇宙飞船到达那里,让今天活着人们及时看到

    They say it could be reached by an unmanned spaceship before the end of the century in time for people alive today to see it.


  • 这种开发已经达到了如此极端的程度以至于,目前看来世纪之前数十万物种灭绝

    This exploitation has reached such extremes that presently it appears that some hundreds of thousands of species will be extinguished before the end of the century.


  • 20世纪50年代人工智能先驱们预测世纪末计算机工作我们对话机器人完成我们家务劳动

    In the 1950s, the pioneers of artificial intelligence predicted that, by the end of this century, computers would be conversing with us at work and robots would be performing our housework.


  • 这个世纪末,已经建成一个巨大道路网络居民街道公路高速公路,这些都为了承受数百万的车流量而修建的。

    By the end of the century, there was an immense network of paved roads, residential streets, expressways, and freeways built to support millions of vehicles.


  • 学家称,由于全球变暖,多数北极熊可能会在本世纪末消失。

    Most polar bears could disappear by the end of the century because of global warming, scientists say.


  • 合国政府间气候变化专门委员会的一份报告显示,如果到本世纪末全球气温上升超过1.5℃,贫穷国家将可能面临非常严峻的挑战,包括整个社区的消失和数百万人的过早死亡。

    A report from IPCC, the UN's climate science body, showed that if global temperatures rise more than 1.5℃ by the end of the century, poor countries will likely face very serious challenges, including the disappearance of whole communities and millions of early deaths.


  • 结果显示绝大多数人认为,如今人们美国看法以及实现美国梦所需的条件与二十世纪末人们的看法相差很大。

    Overwhelmingly, the results show that today, the idea of the American dreamand what it takes to achieve it—looks quite different than it did in the late 20th century.


  • 我们雄心壮志,世纪使工农业生产总值翻两番

    We have hope to quadruple the total industrial and agricultural output by the end of the century, which is a lofty aim.


  • 气候变化影响世纪更为严重

    The effects of climate change will be even more severe by the end of the century.


  • 据估计世纪海平面上升12

    Already, sea levels are estimated to rise by 1 to 2 meters by the end of this century.


  • 他们预测世纪降雪将撤退南极边缘

    By the century's end, they predict snowfall retreating to the Antarctic continent's edge.


  • 10年前科学家们估计夏季海冰世纪消失

    Ten years ago scientists reckoned that summer sea-ice would be gone by the end of this century.


  • 世纪末全球平均气温正常情况下升高了3.5摄氏度

    By the end of the century, the average global temperature will be 3.5 degree Celsius above normal.


  • 甚至世纪末海平面完全可能升高80厘米也许更高

    Even by the end of this century, the level may well have risen by 80cm, perhaps by much more.


  • 不管怎么说美国地质探测局最近分析世纪全国潜在气温

    Anyway, the US Geological Survey recently did an analysis of potential temperatures around the country by the end of this century.


  • 十九世纪末,他出现关于人类精神一些令人激动想法

    By the end of the nineteenth century, he was developing some exciting new ideas about the human mind.


  • 书上阐明如果地球持续升温人类中的大多数世纪面临灭绝危险。

    The book, which argues that most of humanity could be wiped out by the end of the century if Earth’s temperatures continue to warm, galvanized her.


  • 全球气温上升3.5%,世纪估计温度范围就会使一半雨林灭绝

    A global temperature increase of 3.5%, comfortably within the current range of estimates for the end of this century, would put paid to half the rainforest.


  • 直到最近许多科学家认为北极世纪时候可能会夏季完全变成无冰世界

    Until recently, many scientists thought it might take until the end of the century for the North Pole to become completely ice-free during the summer.


  • 直到最近许多科学家认为北极世纪时候可能会夏季完全变成无冰世界

    Until recently, many scientists thought it might take until the end of the century for the North Pole to become completely ice-free during the summer.


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