The previous articles in this series have introduced database concepts by using the fictional Bigdog's Surf Shop business.
The following section introduces you to best practices that can help you with versioning your business processes and human tasks.
This article is organized as follows. First, we introduce some common business designs and describe the related governance patterns.
Previous articles in this series introduced the concept of composite business services (CBS), and they outlined some of the core elements of the deployment environment they require.
Part 1 of this series introduces the concept of business entities as a means of representing the business view of data.
And if you would like to know more, I'm sure Karin can tell you some more about our particular operations afterwards.
Also included were recommendations for the implementation of a business component and sample code to further illustrate how an implementation might look.
If you haven't read the fourth article that covered business state machines, don't worry; you can go back and read it later because it is not a prerequisite.
And finally, deliver accelerators that speed the use of master data in business processes, such as new product introduction or customer introduction accelerators.
The business user can also define the key performance indicators (KPIs) for each milestone defined in the milestone model described earlier.
Following are details about the input and output interfaces of the stored procedures used by the sample business scenario.
Different ways a business component can provide sensor data were explained to enable CAI to determine if a composite application exceeds a policy threshold setting.
This tutorial focuses on modeling business processes that represent your company's day-to-day operations.
A client was coming to town and we had decided that we were getting together for lunch to introduce me to this customer who was important to one of my accounts.
It usually shows the main business processes, the organizational structure, financial management, goals and objectives, and other related policies.
This section highlighted the various abstracts that SCA provides to business application developers.
下面的步骤将介绍如何定义业务项(如图 1 所示)。
The following steps show how to define business items (also shown in Figure1).
This article also gives you a brief introduction to the business rules component from WebSphere Process Server.
The article provide an overview of the Content Manager event framework and an introduction of ILOG JRules business rule management system.
Future articles in this series will teach you how to detect business event patterns, and show you how to integrate business Events with other WebSphere products and technologies.
Mauricio starts with an introduction to business processes, business process managements and graph-oriented programming and then shows how these concepts are implemented by jBPM.
An example website called AIX Expert has been built from the business continuity wiki structures described in this article.
Job referral agencies of Chinese-Foreign joint ventures and cooperatives.
The mastermind groups that I used to be in introduced me to various online business models and opportunities.
In this section, we show you what business object maps are and how to use them.
Often, the types will not match, but the business object map editor helps you to map the data as we'll show you in the business object maps section.
The next part will introduce a typical business scenario with a typical business problem, after performing the business analysis, it will shows why WBSF can provide a solution to fix this problem.
The next part will introduce a typical business scenario with a typical business problem, after performing the business analysis, it will shows why WBSF can provide a solution to fix this problem.