Let me clarify that: He will stay up until 2 or 3 a. m., come to bed and be up at 7 a. m. for work.
By late afternoon the swell began filling in and we enjoyed a couple hours of chest-high waves before heading back to Sanya.
True — she always went to the door at 3 PM because she knew they were on their way home.
Go to bed at two or three am in the morning, then wake up at about 11 or 12 am in the noon almost every day. This is the upside-down life absolutely.
Standard Essay: Take two or three points from your self-outline, give a paragraph to each, and make sure you provide plenty of evidence.
It was early afternoon when I turned off the main road leading out of Vacqueyras and followed the narrow, stony track through the vines.
In particular, to remind you, you'd better go there in the morning or at noon, as many sellers usually go back at two to three in the afternoon.
More than once at two or three in the morning, after lying awake for an hour, I'd get out of bed, dress and drive to the hospital to see the patient myself.
当你和朋友讨论某个问题时, 你可以试着把问题归纳为两三点,通过这样的训练, 你可以让自己的思维更有逻辑性。
Sun Jian:When you talk with your friends about some issue, you can learn to sum up the issue into two or three points. Through this kind of regular exercise, you can make your thinking more logical.
可能有其他问题。 有些青少年睡眠不足是因为他们如同我一样是天然的夜猫子,对他们来说晚上两三点以前做什么也比睡觉有趣。
Like what share of teens don’t get enough sleep because they’re naturally night owls (like me) and find almost anything before 2 or 3 a.m.
可能有其他问题。 有些青少年睡眠不足是因为他们如同我一样是天然的夜猫子,对他们来说晚上两三点以前做什么也比睡觉有趣。
Like what share of teens don’t get enough sleep because they’re naturally night owls (like me) and find almost anything before 2 or 3 a.m.