• 原先投资已经增加两倍

    Her original investment has increased twofold.


  • 的钱是两倍

    He earns double what she does.


  • 酋长队向前推进的距离时间几乎是乌鸦队两倍

    The Chiefs nearly doubled the Ravens in total yardage and time of possession.


  • 医生平均为每个病人开大约七个处方德国这个数字的

    On average doctors write just over seven prescriptions each year per patient; in Germany it is double.


  • 另外练习乐器时候练习两倍以上时间

    Plus, when it comes to practising our musical instruments, I have to practise more than double the time.


  • 过去十年里物价的上涨速度是通货膨胀两倍

    Over the past decade, prices leaped by more than double the inflation rate.


  • 鸡蛋分开,把蛋黄放在搅拌机里打颜色发白,搅拌至原来两倍体积

    Separate the eggs, beat the yolks and sugar in a mixer until pale to double the size.


  • 过去的一世纪里人类淡水使用超过人口增长率两倍的速度增长

    Over the past century, human use of fresh water has increased at more than double the rate of population growth.


  • 卡拉克说:“我们发现女性面对疾病时出现婚姻破裂几率男性的。”

    "We found that women are doubly vulnerable to marital break-up in the face of illness," Karraker said.


  • 尽管没有煤矿投产,但Tribnia每个矿工煤炭产量年前

    Coal output per miner in Tribnia is double what it was five years ago, even though no new mines have opened.


  • 研究人员发现,与单独玩耍相比青少年朋友旁观时所承担风险是前者的两倍以上

    The researchers discovered that the number of risks teens took more than doubled when their friends were watching, compared with when they played alone.


  • 服用了所开剂量两倍安眠药

    She took twice the prescribed dose of sleeping tablets.


  • 年间收入增加了

    He trebled his earnings in two years.


  • 驾驶员出的事故老驾驶员的

    New drivers have twice as many accidents as experienced drivers.


  • 过去年里食物中毒事件增加两倍

    Cases of food poisoning have trebled in the last two years.


  • 房租1月份增加两倍他们多得多的钱

    They will have to pay much more when rents treble in January.


  • 项研究表明,轻度烟民白内障的比例不吸烟者两倍以上

    In one study, light smokers were found to be more than twice as likely to get cataracts as non-smokers.


  • 未来40年内,我们使用的纸张将是现在的两倍

    In the next 40 years we'll use twice as much paper as that of today.


  • 学家称北极变暖的速度是地球其他地区的两倍

    Scientists say the Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet.


  • 个炉子比第一个炉子热两倍,我简直无法呼吸。

    This oven was twice as hot as the first one and I couldn't breathe at all.


  • 本上,在同样的价格下,电动汽车的行驶距离是燃油汽车的两倍

    Basically, an electric car can go twice as far as a gas car for the same price.


  • 今,中国是世界上最大的汽车生产国,生产能力是美国的两倍多。

    Today, China is the world's largest automobile producer, with more than double the capacity of the United States.


  • 他们提出了很多建议考虑两倍选择

    They made lots of suggestions and considered twice the number of the alternatives.


  • 5年前美国移民还是欧盟国家两倍

    As recently as five years ago, US migration was twice the rate of European Union states.


  • 统计男性皮肤癌可能性女性两倍

    According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer as a woman.


  • 统计男性皮肤癌可能性女性

    According to statistics, a man is more than twice as likely to die of skin cancer than a woman.


  • 有人告诉这个只有一米至少深。

    Someone else told me the lake was only one meter deep, but it was at least twice that.


  • 欧盟国际合作程度大约美国日本印度

    The European Union's level of international co-authorship is about twice that of the United States, Japan, and India.


  • 如今孩子们平均每周看电子屏幕时间年前

    Nowadays, the average weekly screen time for children is twice as much as it was five years ago.


  • 北极熊陆地上最大肉食性动物西伯利亚都要两倍多!

    The polar bear is the largest terrestrial carnivore, being more than twice as big as the Siberian Tiger!


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