• 为了测量两极之间高程测量员两极中间一个水平基座使用光学水准望远镜

    To measure the difference in elevation between poles, surveyors used an optical levela telescope on a level base—placed halfway between the poles.


  • 米歇尔·奥巴马属于两极之间一类。

    Michelle Obama falls somewhere between the two poles.


  • 一切人类行为存在理想禁忌两极之间连续区。

    All human behavior exists on a continuum between the poles of the ideal and the taboo.


  • 直流发电机中,机械能用来转动电磁铁两极之间电枢

    In the dynamo, mechanical energy is. used for rotating the armature between the poles of an electromagnet.


  • 地球赤道直径7,929英里两极之间直径比赤道直径28英里。

    The earth is 7,929 miles in diameter at the equator and about 28 miles less in diameter at the poles.


  • 那以后许多研究证实了,也许那么一段时期,可以滑雪穿梭于两极之间

    Since then, many other studies have confirmed that it once may have been possible to ski from pole to pole.


  • 另外两极之间电流表示励磁绕组动势,对应于之间磁场大小方向

    Also, MMF of the field winding is represented as electric currents in the gap between poles, with regard to magnitude and direction of magnetic field at respective poles.


  • 直流发电机中,机械能用来转动电磁铁两极之间电枢。 (动名词rotating介词for的宾语。)

    In the dynamo, mechanical energy is used for rolating the armature between the poles of an electromagnet.


  • 因此设计提案描绘幅统一组织架构艺术大师一般技巧一系列坡道连接两极之间空间展开了部署

    His proposal therefore sketches out a unitary organisation, deployed with virtuoso skill in the three dimensions of the space between two poles linked by a system of ramps.


  • 如果是个中向性格者,偏好两极之间某个地方——你可能选择下班后先朋友上一杯,之后回家长距离遛

    If you're an ambivert, your preference will often be somewhere in the middle-you choose to have a drink with a friend after work but then afterward go home and take a long walk with the dog.


  • 然而麦肯锡上海的负责人白德范(StephanBinder)认为拥挤中国市场出现以下情况:10到15家主要公司之间日益两极分化,公司数量不断缩减

    However, Stephan Binder, a Shanghai-based McKinsey principal, believes the crowded Chinese market will see a growing polarisation between 10-15 leading firms and a dwindling number of smaller rivals.


  • 有些技术手段用于两极之间迂回地飞行的飞机上来测量大气中的含氧量。

    Some of these techniques are being used on board a plane that is zigzagging from pole to pole.


  • 等离子弧形内沿着磁力线滑动,和铁屑磁体两极之间呈现弧形一样

    Just as iron filings arc from one end of a magnet to another, the plasma is sliding in an arc along magnetic field lines.


  • 泰洛斯1号卫星在两极之间环绕地球运行30秒钟拍摄一张照片中的图像系列所示。

    TIROS-1 orbited from pole to pole, snapping photos every 30 seconds, as illustrated in this series of images.


  • 甚至部分国家内部经济两极分化日益明显通常发生中国繁荣中受益地区增长缓慢的地区之间

    Even within some countries a split will be increasingly apparent, typically between the parts benefiting from China's boom and slow-growing bits.


  • 结果意识停顿了,在完全相反吸,,盈与亏等两极之间流动的意识流也便停止了。

    As a result, consciousness is also arrested, stopping the flow between the polar opposites of inhalation and exhalation, birth and death, joy and sorrow, gain and loss.


  • 浮士德歌德一生庸俗伟大妥协叛逆两极之间痛苦摇摆的产物。

    Faust was created because Goethe had been struggling between banality and greatness or between compromise and rebellion in his life.


  • 就是那个提升成员身上发生一切,源于未能提升中调整细胞之间空间两极空间)而死亡

    This is what occurred for this particular initiate; they died due to failing to modify the space between the cells in their ascension.


  • 不连续变化,间断变化:种群的变化,在种群里两极之间很少没有中间表现型

    Variation within a population in which few or no intermediate phenotypes fall between the extremes.


  • 路遥小说创作中,现实激情理性智慧之间两极共构张力平衡其小说创作审美心理机制核心所在。

    The paper holds that tension and harmony between the two poles of realistic passion and rational wisdom forms the core of the mechanism of aesthetic psychology in Lu Yao's fictional creation.


  • 两极之间我们开了眼界,对事物有了新的认识

    Strung between these poles, we gained perspective and understood things in new ways.


  • 正是不同观点之间饶有趣味的对比,才揭示出了不同类型社会之间以及生活这些社会中的人们之间的真正两极分化。

    It is an interesting contrast between different perspectives that shows a true dichotomy between the different types of societies and the people that live within those societies.


  • 西方文化趋势认为身心两极二元对立佛陀与此相反,祂了解到身心之间有密切不可分的关连

    In contrast to a trend in western culture to posit a radical duality between the body and the mind, the Buddha saw the human mind and body as intimately interconnected.


  • 理想现实必然自由之间马克思找到一条联结两极桥梁,就是把实践注入到了他的自由思想中,创立了唯物史观;赋予了自由观的全新内涵与独特的气质。

    Marx found a bridge combined the ideal with reality, freedom and certainty, which creates materialism about practice into its freedom thoughts, formed a new and special Implication.


  • 理想现实必然自由之间马克思找到一条联结两极桥梁,就是把实践注入到了他的自由思想中,创立了唯物史观;赋予了自由观的全新内涵与独特的气质。

    Marx found a bridge combined the ideal with reality, freedom and certainty, which creates materialism about practice into its freedom thoughts, formed a new and special Implication.


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