• 美国当今处于严重的经济萧条期

    The United States is in a serious recession today.


  • 严重食物短缺使问题进一步恶化

    The problems were compounded by severe food shortages.


  • 400,结果证明严重的低估

    My guess of 400 proved to be a serious underestimate.


  • 中等剂量几小时内引起严重恶心

    A medium dose produces severe nausea within hours.


  • 有了严重关节炎症状慢性鼻窦炎

    I developed serious arthritic symptoms and chronic sinusitis.


  • 肺结核虽然一种严重的疾病治愈

    TB is a serious illness, but it can be cured.


  • 1941年11月佩恩严重肺炎

    In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia.


  • 准备全面反驳共和党严重的指控

    He prepared a complete refutation of the Republicans' most serious charges.


  • 严重痉挛疼痛疲惫抑郁症状

    She continued to have severe stomach cramps, aches, fatigue, and depression.


  • 非常严重情况下拇趾囊肿可能手术切除。

    In very severe cases, bunions may be surgically removed.


  • 莫里斯先生受害者们为一个非常严重失误受苦

    Mr. Morris said the victims had suffered from a very grievous mistake.


  • 犯了严重哮喘小时之后恢复正常呼吸。

    She had a severe attack of asthma and it took an hour to recover her breath.


  • 这些测试存在着如此严重缺陷以至于使得结果毫无意义

    These tests were so seriously flawed as to render the results meaningless.


  • 目前为止,科学家几乎没有药物防止严重的感染后果功能明确证据

    Until now scientists had very little clear evidence about the drug's role in preventing more serious effects of infection.


  • 某些药物产生严重的对抗作用

    Certain drugs can produce serious adversary actions.


  • 然而某些药物导致严重的对抗行动

    Certain drugs, however, can produce serious adversary actions.


  • 然而某些药物产生严重不良反应

    Certain drugs, however, can produce serious adverse reactions.


  • 影响严重的地区杰斐逊教区

    The worst-affected areas were in Jefferson Parish.


  • 的身体因严重肾衰竭掉了。

    He collapsed from acute renal failure.


  • 不必要资源重复导致严重的效率损耗

    There could be a serious loss of efficiency through unnecessary duplication of resources.


  • 脸上布满红斑看起来像是严重痤疮

    His face was covered in red blotches, seemingly a nasty case of acne.


  • 如果严重通货膨胀再发生利率就会暴涨

    If raging inflation returns, then interest rates will shoot up.


  • 1999年公司亏损达到了严重的程度。

    Company losses reached their nadir in 1999.


  • 石油价格上涨使欧洲陷入严重的经济衰退

    The oil price increases sent Europe into deep recession.


  • 日益严重污染当地人民健康构成重大威胁

    Growing levels of pollution represent a serious health hazard to the local population.


  • 认真思考美国生活中典型且非常严重的浪费问题。

    He ruminated on the terrible wastefulness that typified American life.


  • 还有数万这场世界严重的工业灾难受了重伤。

    Tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world's worst industrial disaster.


  • 3暴雨引发这场洪水泛滥65年来最为严重的

    The flooding, caused by three days of torrential rain, is the worst in sixty-five years.


  • 维尔纽斯杀戮事件快速引发了迄今为止严重的危机

    The killings in Vilnius have precipitated the worst crisis yet.


  • 坚强的女性,在一个性别歧视严重组织到了顶层

    She is a strong woman who has risen to the top of a deeply sexist organization.


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