So are lower prices for food and fuel, which have provided a boost to personal disposable income.
So are lower prices for food and fuel, which have provided a boost to personal disposable...
Economic Factors e. g. personal disposable income, exchange rates, unemployment rates, inflation, national growth rates.
Household net worth rose to about 4.90 times disposable personal income in the fourth quarter from a third-quarter level of about 4.89 times income.
South Korean households, which have reduced their saving rate from 23% of disposable income in 1998 to only 3% last year, can hardly be accused of being overly thrifty.
Their net financial assets, excluding equities, amount to 3.2 times personal disposable income, compared with a ration of only 1.9 in America and 1.1 in Germany (see left-hand chart).
Although disposable personal income rose at a seasonally adjusted rate of $178.1 billion in May, the Commerce Department also reported that private wages and salaries had decreased $12.4 billion.
Which means consumers are spending more money on gas and food. Which in turn means less disposable income for an iPhone 5 and so many apps that make it useful.
Changes in incomes, jobs and home prices reflect this cyclical behavior, while other indicators, like personal savings as a percentage of disposable income, have shown a gradual decline over decades.
Between 1950 and 1980 personal saving averaged 9% of disposable income.
扣除所得税之后的个人真实收入,在7月份下跌了0.1%。 而相较于6月份,尽管处于下降趋势中,调整过之后的当月可支配收入仍旧有0.1%的增长。
Real after-tax incomes fell 0.1% in July, compared with a downwardly revised 0.1% gain in disposable incomes for June.
Fully funded system is neutral because this pension system does not change an individual's disposable income in his career.
The personal savings percentage in the US is a measly 4.9% of disposable income.
Disposable income The amount of after-tax income that is available to divide between spending and personal savings.
The contribution rate level of personal account not only affects citizen's disposal income presently, also affects their future basic life and expectation.
The contribution rate level of personal account not only affects citizen's disposal income presently, also affects their future basic life and expectation.