• 这笔钱大约有一半来自个人捐赠遗赠

    About half this amount comes from individual donors and bequests.


  • 如果我们捐赠20我们至少捐赠数万

    If our each person donates 20 yuan, we will donate tens of thousands at least.


  • Razoo观察了超过2百万次的访问超过130000的个人捐赠总值接近1千6百万美元。

    Razoo looked at more than 2 million visits and more than 130 000 individual donations totaling almost $16 million.


  • 漏油“是个国际项目全球各地美发沙龙宠物造型店绵羊农场收集碎毛发,也接受个人捐赠。”

    The hair for Oil Spills is an international programme that collects off-cuts from hair salons and pet groomers, sheep farmers and individuals from around the world.


  • 个人捐赠做志愿者时间愿意帮助陌生人三项指标调查全球153个国家,给他们慈善情况排名

    A poll of 153 countries ranked global philanthropy in three categories: individual donations, volunteer time, and the number of people willing to help a stranger.


  • 尽管经济停滞,1989年美国出于慈善的个人捐赠达到了1147亿美元的记录,较上一年增长了10%。

    In 1989 individuals gave a record $ 114.7 billion to charitable causes across the U. S. , a 10% increase from the previous year, despite the stagnating economy.


  • 汶川地震发生之后,不少企业个人开始紧急捐赠财物,运往需要地方

    Wenchuan after the earthquake, many enterprises and individuals, has begun an emergency donation of property, to the most needed areas.


  • 博取牧场主好感的策略睦邻化、商店本地化购买土地时出价合理这些钱来自于热衷自然资源保护的个人基金会捐赠

    His strategy for wooing the ranchers is to be neighborly, shop locally, and offer a fair price for the land, using money donated by individuals and foundations with an interest in conservation.


  • 然后研究员参与人指出慈善捐赠个人收入多少百分比。

    The researchers then asked participants to indicate what percentage of a person's income should be spent on charitable donations.


  • 一直都有礼物捐赠给博物馆,如来自大时装店的“It家传宝贝个好归宿个人珍藏。

    Gifts have been coming in, such as “Itbags from the big fashion houses or treasures from individuals seeking a home for family heirlooms.


  • 个人捐款10万以上企业捐款50万元以上捐赠可以跟踪他们资助项目以及它们运作情况。

    For individual donations above 100 thousand yuan and company donations above 500 thousand yuan, people can follow the projects that were funded, and how they're being run.


  • 另外他人公园使用减少公园个人的效用,因此在自愿捐赠条件,公园面积随着居民增加而减少

    Moreover, use of the park by others reduces the value of the park to each individual, so that the size of the park shrinks as the population grows under individual contributions.


  • 否定的:这家机构没有成文捐赠条款保护捐赠个人信息安全。

    No: This charity does not have a written donor privacy policy in place to protect their contributors' personal information.


  • 给出了明确准则,来确定,捐赠多少收入

    And you lay out some clear guidelines on how much each person should be giving of their income.


  • 捐赠榜上的第二名,那些财富来自继承遗产的个人两倍多。

    That's more than twice the amount given by the next highest group, those with inherited wealth.


  • 这个打印机装备一个皮肤细胞“墨盒”,捐赠自身的细胞引起过敏反应,从而引发身体自身的愈合过程

    The printer would be stocked with one or more inkjet reservoirs of human skin cells, not the donor's own, sparking an allergenic reaction that would initiate the body's own healing processes.


  • 本竞赛中,参赛者认为通过各种渠道针对现有捐赠朋友进行个人募款请求是有力的募款手段

    Personal solicitations to existing donors and friends through multiple channels were rated as the most effective methods for fundraising by Challenge participants.


  • 作为对这一规则的代替他们建议当一大脑遭受了毁灭性不可挽回的损伤之前曾经做出了捐赠允诺,那么就应该允许在仍然活着时候取走有关乎生命器官

    Instead, they propose that someone whose brain is devastatingly and irreversibly damaged, and who has previously given his informed consent, should be able to donate vital organs while still alive.


  • 厨房桌子上个人公司捐赠品——面包店来的蛋糕,从杂货店来的面包,从高中食物捐助活动中来的罐头。

    The kitchen table was piled with donations from individuals and small businesses - cakes from a bakery, bread from a grocery store, cans from high school canned food drives [2].


  • 真讨厌。”作家C.S.Lewis’s曾这样酸溜溜地评论所在城市成功的创业家以及大学慷慨捐赠LordNuffield

    “How I hate that man, ” was the writer C.S. Lewis’s tart comment on Lord Nuffield, his city’s greatest entrepreneur and his university’s most generous benefactor.


  • 共有三位诺得主真正参与了捐赠只有Shockley一承认了此事,他那些拒绝捐献诺奖得主应该感到羞愧。

    Three actually participated but none admitted it except for Shockley, who also added that the Nobel winners that refused to donate should be ashamed.


  • Crowdrise给出了这样建议:请确保的Crowdrise经验至少个人第一法国之吻一样有趣。如果这样的话,捐赠怎么会失败呢?

    How can it fail to when Crowdrise is offering this advice: "Make sure your Crowdrise experience is at least as much fun as French kissing someone for the first time."


  • Crowdrise给出了这样建议:请确保的Crowdrise经验至少个人第一法国之吻一样有趣。如果这样的话,捐赠怎么会失败呢?

    How can it fail to when Crowdrise is offering this advice: "Make sure your Crowdrise experience is at least as much fun as French kissing someone for the first time."


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