• 宇宙是否中世纪生活过去一直比较坏。

    I asked Cosmic people, whether living in the Middle Ages used to be worse or not.


  • 欧洲日常生活语言不断演变。在中世纪某个时期,真的只有商人贵族神职人员才使用拉丁语

    The language of everyday life was evolving in Europe and at a certain point in the middle ages it was really only merchants, aristocrats and clergy who could deal with Latin.


  • 他们自己方式生活激发中世纪想象力刺激了1516世纪发现时代

    They took on a life of their own and they inspired the medieval imagination, spurred on the age of discovery in the 15th and 16th centuries.


  • 一个典型表演里,牵线木偶根据中世纪文学文艺复兴诗句圣徒生活来演绎故事。

    In a typical show, marionettes act out stories based on medieval literature, Renaissance poetry, and saints' lives.


  • 回信告诉了关于我的生活的情况,我居住在乡下房子坐落赫罗纳郊外座山上前面中世纪城市后面乡村空旷地。

    In my reply I told him about my life, my house in the country, on one of the hills outside Gerona, the medieval city in front of it, the countryside or the void behind.


  • 中世纪甚至现在早期我们生活在以上帝为中心的世界里。

    In the Middle Ages and to some extent in the Early Modern period, we live in a theocentric world.


  • 知道中世纪欧洲生活中的方面恶劣吗?

    Do you know what would have been the worst aspect of life during the European middle ages?


  • 中的兽--独角鲸只拥有只角(实际上是一个巨型的),因此中世纪观点表示:既然有独角兽生活海中,那么同样生活陆地上

    The narwhal has a single horn (actually a giant protruding tooth) and if unicorns existed in the sea, went the argument in medieval times, surely they also existed on land.


  • 这些混合奇特的研究——中世纪,一只脚现代科学条路——牛顿度过人生第一阶段,在三一学院的生活时期,这时的做了所有真正有价值的工作。

    foot in the Middle Ages and one foot treading a path for modern science, Newton spent the first phase of his life, the period of life in Trinity when he did all his real work.


  • 又一次实际生活当中中世纪的人们发现自己不得不根据良心自利而他们要求效忠相互冲突呼吁之间做出抉择

    In practical life over and over again in the Middle Ages men found themselves having to make genuine choices according to conscience or self-interest between conflicting appeals to their loyalty.


  • 通过公共职能动画内饰街头中世纪市中心支持人类生活各个方面-慷慨生活工作密集发挥

    The interior streets animated through public functions resemble a medi downtown, supporting all aspects of human lifegenerous living, work and intensive play.


  • 中世纪英格兰乡村体制农民生活制度空间

    The rural system in medieval England is system space of peasant's life.


  • 很多希望他们自己生活一个更单纯年代比如1950年代,或者维多利亚时代,又或是中世纪

    Many people wish they'd been born in a simpler time, like the 1950s, the Victorian period, or the middle ages.


  • 时期变革固然意义重大,但主要集中精英阶层,对于大多数平民来说,他们的生活中世纪几乎无异。

    These changes, while significant, were concentrated in the elite, and for the vast majority of the population life was little changed from the Middle Ages.


  • 故事诗:中世纪韵文故事其特征为来源于生活的滑稽粗俗主题

    Fabliau: a medieval verse tale characterizedbycomic ribald treatment of themes drawn from life.


  • 这些一度充斥生活事情现在看来保育院里孩子们滑稽的表演,或者中世纪的学究们为了也不形而上学术语喋喋不休的争论

    The things that had filled his days seemed now like a nursery parody of life, or like the wrangles of mediaeval schoolmen over metaphysical terms that nobody had ever understood.


  • 麦尔喜欢沉思试图称为生活迷宫里漫步,就像中世纪的神秘人物——圣人奥古斯丁那样

    Mell just loves to meditate, trying to meander through the maze that is called life.


  • 中世纪民间传说经常呼应着人们日常生活中的烦恼,包括饥饿

    Folklore from the middle ages often echoed the troubles of the peoples daily lives, which included hunger.


  • 中世纪英国城市里,妇女并不教会一般文学作品那样被排斥,她们日常社会生活占有相当重要地位

    The medieval English urban women's social status, not as literary as the church and the general exclusion of women, the woman hold the quite vital role in the daily social life.


  • 中世纪英国城市里,妇女并不教会一般文学作品那样被排斥,她们日常社会生活占有相当重要地位

    The medieval English urban women's social status, not as literary as the church and the general exclusion of women, the woman hold the quite vital role in the daily social life.


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