• 提到中东非洲地区冲突

    He also mentioned conflicts in the Middle East and Africa.


  • 中东非洲地区,2009年Amadeus市场份额也达到了接近45%,增长率大大高于整个行业的水平。

    In the Middle East and Africa region, Amadeus achieved a market share of close to 45% in 2009, a growth substantially higher than the industry as a whole.


  • 集团今日伦敦开设欧洲中东非洲地区总部目标是海外华人销售服务。中国移动正在考虑其多个备选方案

    The group, which opens its European, Middle Eastern and African headquarters in London today, aims to sell to Chinese overseas and is considering its options.


  • 目前NBA在全世界16个市场其中7个欧洲,中东非洲地区伦敦伊斯坦布尔约翰内斯堡马德里米兰莫斯科巴黎。

    The NBA has offices in 16 markets worldwide, including seven in the Europe, Middle East, and Africa region: the headquarters in London, Istanbul, Johannesburg, Madrid, Milan, Moscow, and Paris.


  • 可是随着来自中东其他地区的市场竞争日益激烈非洲航空公司可能遇到新的麻烦。

    But it notes intensifying competition from Middle Eastern carriers and others for lucrative business traffic could spell trouble for African airlines.


  • 巴西亚洲非洲中东地区找到出口市场

    Brazil's exports have found new markets in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.


  • 欧洲非洲中东继续成为CDMA2000快速增长地区过去一年中,新增加CDMA2000用户1600万,增长96%。

    Europe, Africa and the Middle East continue to be the most rapidly-growing regions for CDMA2000, adding 16 million CDMA2000 subscribers in the past year representing a 96% growth.


  • 非洲司令部监管埃及之外整个非洲大陆接管目前美军欧洲司令部中东亚洲司令部所监管地区

    Africa command is to handle all of the continent, except for Egypt, taking over areas now covered by the U.S. commands for Europe, the Middle East and Asia.


  • 不过最大潜在受益者另外两个生育率居中的地区-印度中东-以及非洲大陆的高生育率地区

    But the biggest potential beneficiaries are the two other areas with intermediate fertility-india and the Middle east-and the high-fertility continent of Africa.


  • 其他人一起将这些新品种小麦,以及改进水稻玉米品种到了亚洲中东地区南美还有非洲

    He and others took those varieties, and improved strains of rice and corn, to Asia, the Middle East, South America and Africa.


  • 中分辨率成像光谱仪同时也监测加拿大东部格陵兰地区非洲北部中东地区地表温度十年来其他年份得多

    Meanwhile, the land surface temperatures measured by MODIS in eastern Canada, Greenland, northern Africa, and the Middle east were much higher this winter than they were in other years this decade.


  • 现在也有很多素食餐厅包括中式中东地区的、墨西哥的、印度的、非洲意大利的。

    Many restaurants now have a section of vegetarian dishes. These include Chinese, Middle Eastern, Mexican, Indian, African and Italian.


  • 2006年,华为的海外合同价值就达到了国内合同价值的倍,非洲中东地区销售额增长迅速

    In 2006 Huawei's overseas contracts were worth twice as much as its domestic ones. Sales are growing quickly in Africa and the Middle East.


  • 南亚中东北非地区幸免危机严重影响撒哈拉以南非洲地区遭受重创地区发展前景不明朗

    South Asia and the Middle East and North Africa have escaped the worst effects of the crisis, while Sub-Saharan Africa has been hard hit, with the outlook for the region remaining uncertain.


  • 今早日食波及了欧洲大陆大部分地区非洲北部中东中亚地区

    This morning's eclipse was visible across most of continental Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.


  • 只是个开始,阿万公司计划2012年第二季度发射拉斯2卫星以市场扩展非洲中东地区

    It's also only just the beginning -- Avanti plans to launch Hylas 2 sometime in the second quarter of 2012, which will extend its coverage to Africa and the Middle East.


  • 埃及中国中东非洲地区最重要合作伙伴之一,1999年我们建立了战略合作关系。中埃在重大国际地区问题上有着广泛共识始终保持良好合作。

    China and Egypt established strategic relations of cooperation in 1999, and the two countries have reached consensus and engaged in good cooperation on major regional and international issues.


  • 猎豹原产于非洲中东部分地区但是一般不会阿联酋野外出现。

    Cheetahs are native to Africa and parts of the Middle East, but are not thought to live in the wild in the United Arab Emirates.


  • 疟疾影响着非洲(在这里每百万死亡人员中的90%都死于疟疾)、中南美洲、亚洲中东地区主要疾病

    It is predominantly a disease affecting Africa (which has 90% of the one million deaths from malaria a year), South and Central America, Asia, and the Middle East.


  • 根据Euromonitor的资料,非洲潜力成为未来太空,因此提供这类设施方面美洲中东地区非常有吸引力。

    According to Euromonitor, Africa has the potential to become a future space port, challenging the Americas and Middle East in offering such facilities.


  • 研究团队人员来自加蓬其他非洲国家欧洲中东地区德国tubingen大学寄生虫教授Peter Kermsner领导。

    Its team includes people from Gabon, other African nations, Europe and the Middle East. And it's headed up by parasitology professor Peter Kermsner of the University of tubingen in Germany.


  • Apismellifera原产于非洲各地欧洲中东大部分地区著名分布广的品种

    Apis mellifera, which is native throughout Africa, most of Europe and the Middle East, is the best known and most widely spread species.


  • Expedia所属网站提供欧洲中东非洲三个地区将近5万家酒店亚太地区的1万多家酒店的预订。

    Expedia sites offer nearly 50,000 hotels in the EMEA region and over 10,000 in APAC countries.


  • 俄罗斯正在取代欧盟成为北非中东一部分以及撒哈拉沙漠以南非洲地区的粮食供应商。

    "Russia is replacing the EU as a supplier in North Africa and also in parts of the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa," said Mr Abbassian. "This was not expected in such a short space of time."


  • 非洲中东地区开普敦机场排迪拜机场之后,名列第二

    Cape Town came in second place, after Dubai, for the combined Africa and Middle East region.


  • 有些国家这些地区特别是非洲中东地区一直过于依赖石油金属出口

    Some countries in these regions, especially Africa and the Middle East, have been too reliant on oil and metals exports.


  • 这项运动流行古希腊波斯罗马中国仍然最受欢迎拉丁美洲,非洲东南亚中东地区

    The sport was popular in ancient Greece, Persia, Rome and China, and is still popular in Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle east.


  • 这项运动流行古希腊波斯罗马中国仍然最受欢迎拉丁美洲,非洲东南亚中东地区

    The sport was popular in ancient Greece, Persia, Rome and China, and is still popular in Latin America, Africa, Southeast Asia and the Middle east.


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