研究了硫酸阳极氧化和铬酸阳极氧化工艺对LY 12 CZ板材、LC9CS棒材在中值寿命区疲劳强度的影响。
This paper studies the effects of the sulfuric acid anodizing and chromic acid anodizing on the fatigue strength in the intermediate value life zone of LY12CZ plate and LC9CS bar.
研究了硫酸阳极氧化和铬酸阳极氧化工艺对LY 12 CZ板材、LC9CS棒材在中值寿命区疲劳强度的影响。
This paper studies the effects of the sulfuric acid anodizing and chromic acid anodizing on the fatigue strength in the intermediate value life zone of LY12CZ plate and LC9CS bar.