In August, follow-up testing of paired-serum samples found a fourfold rise in neutralization antibody titer for H5N1, a test result which meets the WHO criteria for laboratory confirmation.
其超微结构具有副粘病毒的基本特点,中和抗体效价和交叉中和抗体效价都高达10 2 4。结论成功分离犬副流感病毒CPIV-XN931。
The titer of neutralized antibody and cross neutralized antibody all fell to 1024. CONCLUSION The isolated is a strain of CPIV XN931.
Of three forms of S recombinant proteins, only S or S1 protein induced neutralizing antibody responses, antibody titer was increased by S protein immunization.
Of three forms of S recombinant proteins, only S or S1 protein induced neutralizing antibody responses, antibody titer was increased by S protein immunization.