• 测试距离单位为毫米中和时间单位为秒

    Distance measured in mm, decay time measured in seconds.


  • 唾液要用小时时间才能中和食物饮料产生酸性物质。

    Saliva takes about an hour to neutralise the acid created by a food or drink.


  • 旅途不受时间终点限制,乘客能体验漂浮大气中和云端感觉

    The feeling of floating in the atmosphere, on top of a cloud, with an open schedule and unknown final destiny.


  • DOTS疗法可使患者在较时间回到工作单位,恢复正常生活和工作。

    DOTS allows TB patients return to their families and their place of work sooner, and thus resume a normal and productive life.


  • 了很多时间金钱精力,加强“必须知道这个信念现在是不是突然把这个信念中和了?

    Now, will your new understanding suddenly neutralize all the time, money, and energy expended on reinforcing the belief that you "need to know"?


  • 允许制定“如果…将会怎样(What if)”计划通过取消重新选择参加人员改变会议时间

    It also lets you do "what if" planning by deselecting and reselecting attendees to move the time of the meeting.


  • 既然知道管理时间的方法,那么你就可以在家中和工作中,优先花你的任务控制拖沓管理承诺了。

    Now that you know how to manage your time, you can try to prioritize tasks, control procrastination, and manage commitments at work and at home.


  • 发现缺陷时间(Time to defect):将缺陷引入产品代码中和将缺陷报告分配进行确定开发人员期间经过的时间

    Time to defect: the elapsed time between a bug being injected into the product code and a defect report being assigned to the developer who can make the fix.


  • 根据这起联邦诉讼案件,波贝拉请求帮助其中包括延长考试时间以及考试中和教授交流

    According to the federal lawsuit, Burbella asked for help including extended time to complete exams, and communication with a professor during a test.


  • 根据这起联邦诉讼案件,波贝拉请求帮助其中包括延长考试时间以及考试中和教授交流

    According gto the federal lawsuit, Burbella asked for help including extended time to complete exams, and communication with a professor during a test.


  • 或者起泡饮料后,最好小时刷牙——就能唾液留出时间中和酸度。

    Wait at least an hour after a meal or fizzy drink before brushing - this will give your saliva a chance to neutralise the acid.


  • 什么什么时间成绩和恢复影响巨大

    What and when you eat before, during, and after your runs has a huge effect on your performance and recovery.


  • 堆肥有利于中和土壤酸碱度补充养分同一时间举行。

    Compost will also help neutralize soil pH and add nutrients at the same time.


  • 讨论氨水用量、中和反应时间聚合反应温度、煤油用量、交联用量、引发剂用量等因素对聚丙烯酸稠剂产品吸水性和增稠性能影响。

    The effective factors of dosages of material, neutralize reaction time, polymerizing reaction temperature on the performance of the polyacrylate ammonium salt thickening agent were have been examined.


  • 他们一辈子都在奥运会做准备,全身心地投入训练中和牺牲了大量时间金钱精力换回来的不过是几个星期辉煌

    They spend their lives preparing for the Games, dedicating themselves to training and sacrificing time, money and energy, all fro a few weeks of glory.


  • 他们了大量时间电脑上的交流娱乐学习而不是现实世界中和真人这些事情。

    They spend much time on communication, entertainment and study, instead of doing these with real people in the real world.


  • 工作中和在生活中,决定优先顺序,在逻辑形成合理充足时间中去努力完成事情

    At work and at home, determine priorities, then strive to accomplish things in both a logical fashion and a reasonable length of time.


  • 仿真试验结果表明PPM加药控制方法可以中和系统离子浓度变化,达到跟踪误差调节时间性能指标

    The result of emulation test shows that PPM control method can follow the change of ion concentration for the purposed of obtaining the indexes of small tracking error and short adjustment time.


  • 食物排空时间大概在4 ~6小时之间,排空之后继续分泌胃酸如果没有食物中和胃酸长期侵蚀黏膜

    Gastric emptying time of food is about 4 ~ 6 hours, after emptying, the stomach will continue to secrete gastric acid, if there is no food, stomach acid will be long-term erosion of gastric mucosa.


  • 马丁射击空闲时间电影

    Martin goes to high school and shoots films in his free time.


  • 配置改变精确时间发送中和接收器一样的。

    The exact time of a configuration change is the same in the transmitter and the receiver.


  • 结论麻疹疫苗HI抗体阳性率随免疫时间推移降低细胞中和抗体阳性率仍较理想

    Conclusion the HI antibody positive rate of measles vaccine decreased as time goes on. However, the neutralizing antibody positive rate of it was still satisfied.


  • 注意亚瑟没有黎明时分前去工作因为陋居阿莫斯·迪戈里进行交谈而后者已经上了时间

    Note that Arthur is not going in to work at the crack of dawn, as he has a conversation in the Burrow with Amos Diggory, who has already been at work for some time.


  • 注意亚瑟没有黎明时分前去工作因为陋居阿莫斯·迪戈里进行交谈而后者已经上了时间

    Note that Arthur is not going in to work at the crack of dawn, as he has a conversation in the Burrow with Amos Diggory, who has already been at work for some time.


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