Any major steps that China is going to take in the New Year in its external relations?
But Sun Guoshun, a Chinese diplomat in Washington, says that a figure is unlikely to emerge before Copenhagen.
The second and third places went to Zhang Jing, a sophomore from China Foreign Affairs University, and Zhang a Xu, from Hong Kong Polytechnic University, respectively.
按照中国外交官的说法,1997- 98年的亚洲金融危机是事情的分水岭。
As Chinese diplomats tell it, the Asian financial crisis of 1997-98 was a watershed.
Recently, China's foreign ministry denied reports that Chinese food companies were canning human flesh and selling it in Africa as corned beef.
QUESTION: And at the same time, the Chinese spokesperson of foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs Qin Gang announced they also they're preparing for another ADIZ in different area.
The Chinese foreign ministry expressed strong discontent at what it called Japan's ridiculous and illegal actions which, it said, violated international common sense.
Few Chinese are knowledgeable about the region (Mr Qiu speaks no Portuguese, though he is one of the relatively few Chinese diplomats who speak Spanish).
Earlier, a spokeswoman for the Chinese foreign ministry said the choice of leading officials for the IMF and the World Bank should be based on "fairness, transparency, and merit".
'We want Malaysia to work harder and speed up efforts on behalf of the families, ' said Qin Gang, a spokesman for China's foreign ministry. On Wednesday, Mr.
"China demands that Japan immediately release the captain without any preconditions," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman ma Zhaoxu said in a statement issued on Sunday after the court decision.
"China demands that Japan immediately release the captain without any preconditions," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman ma Zhaoxu said in a statement issued on Sunday after the court decision.