• 殷剑获得中国帆船有史以来的首枚金牌。她以净得分领先女子RS -X级奖牌轮赛,赢得金牌。

    Yin Jian won China's first-ever sailing gold meda, claiming the gold medal by one point overall in women's rs: X.


  • 比如帆船,殷剑摘取了中国帆板的第一块金牌

    In sailing, for example, Yin Jian won China's first medal when she took windsurfing gold.


  • 中国平底帆船荷兰快船早期汽船客轮

    There are Chinese junks, Dutch clippers, early steamers and passenger liners.


  • “卡蒂·萨克”号之类的帆船用来中国运回茶叶,从澳大利亚运回羊毛

    Before they were replaced by steamships, sailing vessels like the Cutty Sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia.


  • 翟墨航行三万五千海里成为中国单人无动力帆船环球航海第一因为中国之威的信念

    Zhai, sailing thirty-five thousand miles, eventually become China's single unpowered sailboat sailing first person, only because he has a young Chinese belief.


  • 你们准备起航离开中国的时候,会得英雄般的欢送,走回你们帆船的一路上,媒体观众们将不停的拍照录像欢呼鼓掌

    As you depart China, expect to be treated like a superhero as the media and spectators snap away, video, cheer and applaud as you walk down to your racing yacht.


  • 之所以为我,是因为世纪中国南方11岁的孩子上一艘纵帆船来到属马来西亚果园工作

    I am who I am because a century ago an 11-year-old leapt onto a schooner in South China and landed on British Malaya to work the fruit orchards.


  • 三角帆船一直是阿拉伯印度洋主力交通工具,一如中国仰赖帆船往返东南亚

    For Arab countries the dhow has been the workhorse of the Indian Ocean, just as the junk has been for the Chinese in Southeast Asia.


  • 中国最后帆船制造者建造的为数不多传统帆船之一

    It is one of a few of these traditional ships with sails being made by one of the last remaining junk builders in China.


  • 中国丝绸精美纤小,价值高昂利于远程帆船运输

    The delicate and expensive Chinese silk fabrics were suitable for ocean-going transportation by sailing boats.


  • 除了培训一支国际级别中国队员设计建造可以取胜帆船中国还要首次美洲帆船世界系列赛中力争上游。

    In addition to training a World-class Chinese crew and designing and building a boat capable of winning, China Team will be competing in the inaugural America's Cup World Series.


  • 一条名叫姑”的纵帆船船主招雇水手打算航行中国去。

    The owner of a schooner called the Silver Maid was signing up sailors for a voyage to China.


  • 我们非常荣幸的宣布我们已经将该段赛程命名帆船之都•青岛越南岘港至中国青岛段比赛也是青岛首次冠名国际顶级帆船赛事的赛程比赛。”

    We're very proud that the Sailing City • Qingdao Cup is the first time that Qingdao is naming a race from an internationally renowned racing event.


  • 我们相信不论是举办比赛还是培养帆船行业精英中国潜力成为世界领先帆船大国。

    We truly believe China has the potential to become a top sailing nation - both as a host country, and for the talent it produces.


  • 当时埃克森美孚前身标准石油公司将煤油通过帆船运到中国开始了中国销售业务。

    At that time, Standard Oil, the predecessor of ExxonMobil, began marketing kerosene in China.


  • “卡蒂·萨克”号之类帆船用来中国运回茶叶,从澳大利亚运回羊毛

    Before they were replaced by steam-ships, sailing vessels like the Cutty Sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia.


  • 蒸汽取代帆船之前。“卡蒂·萨克”号之类的帆船用来中国运回茶叶,从澳大利亚运回羊毛

    Before they were replaced by steamships, sailing vessels like the Cutty Sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia.


  • 郭川的三体帆船中国青岛号”是以家乡青岛命名的,青岛中国东部城市艘船在夏威夷西海岸附近900海里发现但是郭川却下落不明。

    His trimaran "Qingdao China," named after his home city in eastern China, was spotted 900 nautical miles off the west coast of Hawaiibut Guo was nowhere to be found.


  • 帆船轮船代替之前卡蒂·萨克号这样的大帆船用来中国载运茶叶,从澳大利亚载运羊毛的。

    Before they were replaced by steamships, sailing vessels like Cutty sark were used to carry tea from China and wool from Australia.


  • 中国水手日前青岛举行的国际帆船赛上发挥稳定开赛前成功保持冠军地位。

    Chinese sailors are steadily improving their performances at the ongoing Qingdao International Regatta while defending champions have made their marks on Day three.


  • 2005-06赛季中,中国单人不间断环球航海第一人郭川作为首位中国船员登上青岛号”大帆船参加了克利伯帆船

    In 2005-06 edition, Clipper race had the first Chinese sailor join the race on board Qingdao yacht - Guo Chuan, the first Chinese who finished the solo non-stop round the world yacht race.


  • 以前美国快速帆船中国几个月

    Where once an American clipper ship took months to cross from China to the United States.


  • 青岛中国东部城市郭川三体帆船中国青岛号”是以家乡城市命名的。这艘船在夏威夷西海岸附近900海里发现但是郭川却下落不明。

    His trimaran "Qingdao China," named after his home city in eastern China, was spotted 900 nautical miles off the west coast of Hawaiibut Guo was nowhere to be found.


  • 那时,来自中国内地的渔船比比皆是,因为还是老式帆船(通常挂着红帆),所以一眼就能认得出来。

    Fishing junks from China were common sights and immediately noticeable because they were still older-style. teak vessels under (often red-colored) sail.


  • 中国地区奥运帆船运动培训项目(NOCSP目的中国不同社会背景的青少年提供帆船学习机会

    The aim of the NOCSP is to give Chinese Youth from all backgrounds an opportunity to learn the sport of sailing.


  • 中国地区奥运帆船运动培训项目(NOCSP目的中国不同社会背景的青少年提供帆船学习机会

    The aim of the NOCSP is to give Chinese Youth from all backgrounds an opportunity to learn the sport of sailing.


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