We apologize for the delay in responding to players about the disruption, but until now, we didn't have sufficient information to make an announcement.
This leads to better performance because of the ability to deal quickly with high-frequency interrupt events by deferring non-time-sensitive work.
The only way to eliminate, or at least minimize, the disruption in workflow caused by server lag is to download data and functionality directly to the user's computer.
I cover the impact of interruptions thresholds and latency problems on DRM usage criteria and suggest some solutions.
Tasklets are built on top of softirqs to allow dynamic creation of deferrable functions.
So it's not necessarily the volume of traffic, but rather a sudden interruption in the flow that causes delays.
A bottom half is a way to defer work from interrupt handling to be done later in a device driver.
LotusSametime客户机使用所谓的抖动缓冲管理(jitter buffer management)补偿因网络拥塞和中断导致的音频传输延迟。
The Lotus Sametime client uses what is referred to as jitter buffer management to compensate for any delays that occur in audio transmissions caused by network congestion and disruptions.
Discipline yourself to get an early start as unexpected delays, problems, and general blockages disrupt your planning.
The nature of the Internet and electronic communications means that we cannot guarantee that this Site will be error free, without interruption or delay, or free from defects in its design.
In case that loading has to be interrupted due to reasons of responsibility of the vessel, such time lost shall not be counted as lay-time.
If this advice by fax or the Internet, you should note that by fax or the Internet may be interrupted, delayed or failed.
Stoppage of loading due to break down of the ore loading plant shall be counted as lay-time.
Objective to document the ultrastructural changes of node of Ranvier in early stage of axonal injury of optic nerve and explore the significance of the changes of node in delayed axotomy.
Maskable interrupt sources with the ability to preempt the kernel code and thus have a lower latency and are less subject to jitter, see Response Time and jitter.
Your interrupt routine does a little bit of work, schedules a DPC, and returns.
Your interrupt routine does a little bit of work, schedules a DPC, and returns.